Help! Evening Snacking

Feb 10, 2009

Someone wrote that she is having trouble with evening snacking.  (Me, too!)

Pam T.  wrote this response:  "Set a time in the evening.  Say... 7pm or 8pm or whatever works for you.  Then make the rule that you are not allowed to eat past that time in the evening.  If you eat dinner at 6pm, plan a healthy late night snack for 8pm and then NOTHING after. "

What a simple and yet profound idea!!  Sign me up (starting tomorrow, since it is already too late for tonight).
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I Broke180

Feb 10, 2009

Today I FINALLY got to 179.5.  Jay thinks it is because I haven't been exercising for the past several days and I have been eating more.  I think it was just finally time to lose and I may have lost more if I had been more faithful at exercising and didn't have the munchies.  I am still hoping I can get to 175 by Saturday for the Valentine's Day Mini-Challenge.

I am trying to write down my food for the day, before I eat.  I started that yesterday and did pretty well.  I have done that again today and will try to stick with the plan.  This way, I don't have to think about it.  And I can use up some of these sample shakes I have around here.  If I never try them, I won't know if I want to buy more or not.  I am upping my protein so that my hair will stop falling out and I can lose my maximum weight in my "window."

On the subject of the "window," I have heard 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months.  Since I am over 3 months out, I want to lose as much as possible as soon as possible.  I still have to lose around 40# (39.5# as of today).  I could lose more, but I think that 140 will be OK, pre-plastics.  I probably will have around 10# of skin, so that will put me at 130 (my optimum weight according to the NUT). Today I FINALLY got to 179.5.  Jay thinks it is because I haven't been exercising for the past several days and I have been eating more.  I think it was just finally time for me to lose and I may have lost more if I had been more faithful at exercising and didn't have the munchies.  I am still hoping I can get to 175 by Saturday for the Valentine's Day Mini-Challenge.

I am trying to write down my food for the day, before I eat.  I started that yesterday and did pretty well.  I have done that again today and will try to stick with the plan.  This way, I don't have to think about it.  And I can use up some of these sample shakes I have around here.  If I never try them, I won't know if I want to buy more or not.  I am upping my protein so that my hair will stop falling out and I can lose my maximum weight in my "window."

On the subject of the "window," I have heard 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months.  Since I am over 3 months out, I want to lose as much as possible as soon as possible.  I still have to lose around 40# (39.5# as of today).  I could lose more, but I think that 140 will be OK, pre-plastics.  I probably will have around 10# of skin, so that will put me at 130 (my optimum weight according to the NUT).

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My Stall May Be Broken

Feb 07, 2009

January 25, I weighed 182.5 and since then (until yesterday) I lost and gained the same 1-3#s.  Yesterday, I weighed 181.5 and today I weighed 181.  It seems as though my stall may be broken.  I was getting real tired of this up and down nonsense and the scale not moving in the correct direction.  I am happy that this seems to be going in the right direction.

Only 13 more pounds and I can eat fruit and grains.  I think that may help with the constipation problems.  (Please, God!!)

My mom gave me a bunch of her clothes in various sizes that she has been keeping for many years.  I got some great pants that fit perfectly.  I need to try on and sort the rest of the stuff.  I am too cold and sleepy to care today, but will get to it in a few days. I also got a bathing suit that is kind of tight, but should fit great when the kids are here in May (if it isn't too big).

Some of the really nice stuff is really tiny.  I hope I will be able to wear it eventually.  Most of her pants don't fit me right.  My mom is shaped like a woman is supposed to be shaped (I take after my dad).  My waist is too big for my hips.  My shoulders are too big for the rest of me.  I really am shaped like a man.  I used to really fit great in men's jeans.  I have some of Jay's shorts, but they don't fit right in the butt.

I am washing clothes today for Denise.  She is taking my "winter" clothes for her trips to Alaska and Colorado.  I am so happy that I can wear the shirts I bought if Arizona and Colorado.  I really needed that sweatshirt the last couple of days.  I really didn't expect to be able to wear them this soon.

I am very very happy about my weight loss (even with this annoying stall that I just went through).  NOW, we are going downhill, all the way!!

My Theory of Stalls

Feb 02, 2009

Over the years of YO-YO dieting, I have noticed a definite pattern in losing.  It seems that when I reach a point where I end up at a weight that I spent some time (on the way up), I hit a stall.  For example, I was 184 when I met Jay and 184 when we got married.  I had lost some and regained during that 6 months.  Now, I am at 182.5-184.5 each and every day.  One day I am up a pound or even two, the next day I am down one, then up two.  Can't seem to get lower than 182.5.  I am getting tired of this and need to lose down past 180.  Then I will probably stall out around 175, another place where I spend some time.  The good news is, once I get past these annoying numbers, I should be able to move right along.  I never stayed anywhere below 169 for more than 10 minutes when YO-YOing.  I am looking forward to getting below 150 and STAYING THERE!!!

On that subject, I really need to watch my new grazing behavior. I am not all that hungry, but I find that I haven’t eaten enough protein and it is late and I am lazy and don’t want to mix up something yummy and filling with a nice low-cal, low-carb shake, instead I start eating a little bit of this, a little bit of that and the next thing I am at 1000 calories for the day. Not a good thing and tonight my tummy hurts. I ate a Boca Burger (for the first time) and it was too much at one sitting. Jay told me not to eat all of it, but I don’t like being told what to do, so I ate it all. That was several hours ago and now I feel kind of gross and really full. I don’t like doing that to myself and I have been doing it too much lately.   It would be a shame if I ruin my pouch through my own stupidity. I have used food as a weapon against myself for years. People upset me or make me angry so I punish myself by eating. That really gets them. So why am I doing that again? I need therapy. I should call CC and find out if they have someone who specializes in WLS therapy. It has to be someone who is covered under my insurance plan.


Three Months Out

Jan 31, 2009

Well, today I am three months out.  (Will post pictures after Jay comes home and takes them for me.)  I am quite disappointed with the fact that this was my worst week ever!!  I only lost 1/2 pound all week.  However, the week before I lost 4.5#, so the average was 2.5# in two weeks.  And we had take-out Chinese on Sunday, catered buffet brunch on Monday, at out Monday night and ate leftovers on Tuesday. WAY too much sodium and fat, I just keep expecting the weight to fall off every day.  Silly me, like that has EVER happened in all of my years of YO-YO dieting. 

I am down 67.5# since August 21, 2008, when I went to orientation and started chewing my food better.  (That caused me to eat slower, which caused me to get full faster, which caused me to eat less, which caused me to lose weight.  That caused me to doubt my decision to have surgery, up until two days before surgery when I got very calm and peaceful.) 

I really am happy that I had surgery.  My diabetes is in remission.  My blood pressure is normal.  My cholesterol is normal.  I am not taking meds for any of these.  The first 4 things on this list I am still taking and probably will be for sometime. I was going to try to stop the Lexapro before surgery, but the Psychologist at Cleveland Clinic said continue taking for at least a year after surgery. The next 11 things (for a total of at least 13 additional pills DAILY) I am no longer taking. PRAISE GOD!!!

I'd rather be taking vitamin and supplements any day than all of this poison stuff!

Daily Medications  
Synthroid Tablets, 125 mcg ~ 1 tablet daily – morning                                                 
Loratadine  Tablets, 10 MG ~ 1 tablet daily OTC                                      
Lyrica Capsules, 100 mg ~ 2 capsules daily                                                 
Generic for: PREGABALIN – (morning & bedtime) FOR NEUROPATHY
Lexapro  Tablets, 10 mg ~ 1 tablet daily @ bedtime                                                
********        ********         ********         ********        
Lisinopril Tablets, 15 mg ~ morning (1½ 10 mg tablets)                                                
Furosemide Tablets, 40 MG ~ 1 tablet daily – morning                                                 
Glipizide XL Tablets, 10 MG ~ 1 tablet w/breakfast ~ 1 tablet w/dinner
Generic for: GLUCOTROL XL FOR DIABETES -                                     
Januvia   Tablets, 50 MG ~ 1 tablet w/lunch
Tricor Tablets, 145 mg ~ 1 tablet daily w/dinner                                                
Lipitor Tablets, 20 mg ~ 1 tablet @ bedtime                                                
Detrol LA , 4 mg ~ 1 capsule daily @ bedtime                                                
Chemical Name: TOLTERODINE FOR INCONTINENCE -                                     
Potassium Tablets 10MEQ ~ 1 tablet w/breakfast                                                
Generic Names: K-Dur; Klor-con BECAUSE OF LASIX
Aliporinol Tablets, 300 mg ~ 1 tablet daily @ bedtime                                                
Frequently taken:
Ranitidine Tablets 150 MG ~ 2 tablets 2x daily
Rarely taken:
Colchicine Tablets, 0.6 mg ~ 1 tablet 2x daily as needed FOR gout pain

Overall, I am doing well.  I only measure once a month, the last Sunday of the month.  It is too big of a pain to do it more often.   As of Sunday (1-25-08), I had lost over 42 inches and that doesn't count my neck.  I had forgotten to measure my neck at the beginning.  I put a necklace on that I had worn "before" and it almost went down to my waist (not quite, but it was REALLY long).  I've lost 8" around my waist and 1/2" around my wrist (and my wrists have always been tiny, even when I am huge).  I really am small boned, even though people act like I am so big. I was (am) fat, but I am not big boned.

My mom asked me what Jay's family said about me being so little.  I liked that.  No one ever called me little (since I was a little child). I was skinny as a child (people told my mom to feed me more because my ribs stuck out). I didn’t like rice, pie crust, biscuits, pancakes, gravy, and mashed potatoes. I LEARNED to eat most of those things (except the potatoes and gravy) over the years after I started cooking for my family. Fortunately, I can give those up forever without a problem. And I am not really a big sweet eater. I will eat something I love, but then I don’t want any more.  I love fresh fruits and vegetables. I love salads. My main problems are pasta, bread, pizza, Mexican food. When I get to 75% EWL and can add carbs back into my diet, I will have to be careful of those things. I just need to learn MODERATION! I am praying this “tool” will enable me to practice that.

Last night I got sick on chicken salad. I had put it on chopped lettuce and tomato, but evidently it was too dry and/or I ate too fast. I had very little, but it was enough for that horrible stuck feeling and not wanting to eat or drink anything for several hours. I finally threw up and started to feel somewhat better. You would think I would have learned by this time.  

I really have not learned to eat slowly. The nutritionist says take 30 minutes for a meal. I am sorry, I cannot eat 1/2 cup of cottage cheese in 30 minutes. I have tried. Those slider foods (yogurt, cottage cheese, chili, refried beans, etc.) are really difficult to eat slowly.  

It is cold here today. I don’t care what anyone says, 57° at 1pm in South Florida is COLD. We don’t have the clothing for this type of weather (and I think our blood is too thin for it), plus having WLS and freezing when it is warm, makes me a mommiesicle on these really cold days.  

Well, I am getting back to my old habits. I have been up for 2 1/2 hours and have not eaten. I need to do that, but I have a kitty on my lap and one on the back of my chair, so I don’t want to get up. They aren’t always this friendly and they are keeping me warm.  

I went to Curves 3x the first week and 4x last week (gotta earn those Curves “bucks.”) I hurt today (and yesterday and the day before). I think I will take today off and not walk. I am tired and will give my body a rest. It is also nice to have a day where I don’t have to leave the house. So on that note, I am going to get food.

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Today I Am Overweight!!!

Jan 23, 2009

I was trying to reach my goal of being overweight, rather than obese and because I was sick yesterday, I surpassed it.  My BMI is 29.7 as of today (weight is 184),  Coincidentally, that is exactly what I weighed when I met Jay and when we got married (I lost some and gained it back between the time we met and the time we got married).  So today, I reached two goals.  (Weigh what I weighed when I got married.)  Next goal, Valentine's Challenge of 175.  I hope that isn't too ambitious.

I am walking 1.5 miles about 5 times a week and just joined Curves last Friday.  Another new goal:  Curves 3x/week.  This week I only achieved twice, but will try to get there tomorrow before they close at 1 pm.  (Need to earn those Curves bucks.)

Diet Coke

Jan 15, 2009

I always laughingly called Diet Coke, "my drug of choice."  But I wasn't kidding.  I was an addict.  I consider myself a recovering Diet Coke addict.  I gave it up on October 5, 2008.  My surgery was October 31.  I figured I was going to have enough things that I needed to change all at once, that this was one of the things I could do early.  Not a day has gone by since October 5, that I have not wanted a Diet Coke.  Although, I will admit, it is getting a little easier as time goes on.

This surgery has been God sent.  My diabetes is in remission, my HBP is under control w/o meds.  I am taking 1/3 of the meds I was taking prior to surgery.  I will probably live to see my grandbaby grow up (God willing). 

This is not just another diet, this is the rest of my life.  I NEVER plan to drink Diet Coke or any carbonated beverage again in my life.   I just have to do this "one day at a time."  Giving up Diet Coke is a small price to pay for these results.

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Two Month Check Up Today

Jan 11, 2009

I am not quite 3 months out.  Surgery was 10/31/08 (10 1/2 weeks).  I am (pretty much) doing great and have been since the beginning.  I was able to get in all of my water (64 oz.) and all of my protein (60 gm) since coming home from the hospital when I was cleared for Phase II (liquid protein).  I started the Phase III (pureed protein) a few days early (per my NUT) because I had diarrhea from the time I left the hospital.  That turned it around quickly (now I have the other problem).  I was cleared for Phase IV (vegetables) New Year's Eve.  Raw cabbage did not agree with me.  Will try that a few months down the road.

I feel good and have more energy than I have in years.  My diabetes is in remission and HBP is normal.  I no longer take meds for either one.  My 2 month labs are all in the mid normal range and I was tested for so many things.  I have lost a total of 62.5# (27 prior to surgery).  The weight loss seems slow from day to day, but overall is quite satisfactory.

I can eat most foods, if I eat slowly and chew thoroughly.  I do not progress to Phase V (fruits, complex carbs) until I have lost 75% of my excess weight (21.5# more). I get most of my protein from regular food, not much supplementation with shakes, but I like to mix 1/2 scoop Isopure Strawberries & Creme in with my Plain Activia Yogurt & Benefiber (148 calories and 19 gm protein) for breakfast.  My pouch seems to like the softer, milder things to begin the day.

Hot herbal tea is very soothing before bed or any time my pouchy is feeling a bit grouchy.

First Labs Post Op

Jan 10, 2009

I am reminded of one time when I lost weight (I weighed about 10# more than right now) and I was so proud of myself.  I kept saying to my son, Matthew, who was about 16 at the time, "Don't I look good, Matthew?" He said, "No offense, Mom, but you're still fat."  It is funny now.  Not so much at the time.

I feel thin today.  I don't know if I am losing inches (because I am certainly not losing pounds), or if my clothes are just so big they make me feel small.  I do only have to lose 5 more pounds to be overweight (no longer obese). 

I got a copy of my blood work and I am now in the healthy adult range for my Hemoglobin A1C (glucose averages for 3 months).  A diabetic adult is supposed to have <7.0, mine was 7.4 WITH 3 diabetes meds a day.  A healthy adult is supposed to be 4.8-5.9 and I am now 5.5 with NO MEDS!!!  I guess that means that I am now a healthy adult (at least in the glucose department).

My cholesterol is the same 145, my triglycerides are lower was 133, now 106 (my good cholesterol went from 33 to 26, that is bad), but I am taking 1/3 the meds I was taking.  When I get frustrated with the SLOW weight loss I need to remember that this is why I did this surgery. 

Last week I got to do one of my favorite things, collect urine for 24 hours.  So my husband, Jay, picked up my labs and my report says, "LabCorp was unable to collect sufficient specimen to perform the following test(s)..."  Are they kidding me?

I have to do the whole 24-hours again?  So, now I have to reschedule my Nephrology (kidney doc) appointment that I have had for two months.  What a pain!!

I don't think they did all of the tests the surgeon requested.  I guess, since my appointment is Monday, I will ask them to check and if anything wasn't done to request it AGAIN.  I guess we can speak on the phone to find out if everything is good.  I was trying to do a good thing by doing all of the labs together.  Instead, it just confused the issue and now I will probably have to do them all again.  Plus, that woman at the lab bruised me quite badly drawing blood.

I have been trying for over a month to get a letter from my Podiatrist regarding meds taken for neuropathy because Humana now says the Lyrica must have a step treatment done first before prescribing.  I ALREADY did these other meds and they weren't working, that is why I take Lyrica.  Again, what a pain!!

Well, enough griping for now  We walked 45 minutes tonight.  I think I will go to be early.  I'm tired tonight. 

Welcome 2009

Jan 04, 2009

Every time I have ever dieted, I wanted to go to sleep and wake up when it was over.  I don't feel that way now.  This is my life and I embrace it and accept the good and the bad, but now I will probably live to see my grandson grow up.  The way I was going before, I would not have.

I am now 9 weeks out, have lost 59.5#, my BP is normal, my fasting blood sugar is under 100, my neuropathy has stopped progressing, I am down to 1 cholesterol medication, I have stopped taking meds for gout, 3 BP meds, 3 oral diabetic meds, I can't even remember all of the meds I was taking.  I have my first post-op labs on Tuesday and wouldn't be surprised if I can stop my cholesterol medication.  I am very happy with my RNY.  I feel good and look better.  Tonight I got food stuck and threw up and yet, I would do it again in a heartbeat (surgery).

About Me
Pompano Beach, FL
Surgery Date
Aug 29, 2008
Member Since

Friends 42

Latest Blog 37
