Good Habits Before Surgery

Nov 14, 2008

I practiced chewing each bite 25 times.  I started walking 30 minutes about 5-6 times a week.  I gave up diet Coke (OUCH!!  That one hurt).  I lost 27# prior to surgery just by eating slower (so I got full sooner and didn't eat as much.)

I wish I would have practiced SIPPING water.  I always have been a gulper (still am two weeks after surgery and sometimes it hurts).  I am still trying to learn sipping.

Anything that becomes a habit pre-op will be easier post-op.

This just keeps getting better and better.

Nov 12, 2008

When I went to my PCP (without having taking BP meds in over 24 hours) she told me I could quit that med and cut the Tricor (cholestrol/trigliceride) medication in half.

I have lost 16# since I was in her office on October 20 (3 days after starting the 2 week liquid diet prior to surgery).

Although the scale numbers aren't dropping as quickly as I would like, I love that my glucose and BP numbers are NORMAL!!!  I need to keep reminding myself that this is why I did this.  To get off most of the 17 medications I was taking on a daily basis.  Now, I am at 5 1/2 meds a day.  I probably can only get rid of the 1/2 tablet of Tricor.  The thyroid, (2) neuropathy, antidepressant, claritin will probably be forever, but that is OK by me.

God is Good!

11 Days Out From RNY

Nov 11, 2008

I had Lap RNY on October 31.  I am doing great.  I had my staples out yesterday (11/10).  I started on pureed foods yesterday (a few days early per the nutritionist because of the diarrehea issue I have been having since before leaving the hospital).  Other than that issue, I am feeling quite well and have been out and about and walking twice a day for about 20 minutes. I can't believe it has only been about 11 days since mjor surgery.

I have only lost 3 # (according the the surgeon's office) since surgery (8.5# according to my brand new digital scale, purchased a couple of weeks before surgery).

I had to do a 2 week pre-op liquid diet.  With permission from my endocronologist, and a promise to CLOSELY monitor my sugar.  I stopped taking all my diabetes meds.  My fasting blood sugars were about 135-150. 
But this is the good part, DRUM ROLL PLEASE ... My glucose is NORMAL for the first time in many years.  It hasn't been over 100 this entire week, regardless of whether I am fasting, drinking the two-week post-op liquid protein, or today being on pureed proteins (including cheese, cottage cheese & things higher in sugars).  My high blood pressure meds were decreased by 75%, I am not taking several other meds (including one high cholestrol med).

Tomorrow I see my PCP and hope to be able to get off of some of the other meds I am still currently taking.

I feel so blessed.  Praise God!! 

Would I Do This Again?

Nov 09, 2008

 When I was in my thirties, my doctor said I need to lose weight because it wasn't healthy.  I said, but I am healthy.  He said, “you won't be when you get into your fifties."  I thought that he didn't know what he was talking about.

Periodically, I would lose a lot of weight on a crazy fad diet and not keep it off long enough to pay for all the new clothes.  Then the weight would pile back on plus more.

When I was in my forties, my doctor said I needed to lose weight because my blood pressure was high.  I said, "But the rest of me is healthy and the pills work."  She said, but it will be worse in your fifties.  I thought she didn't know what she was talking about.

Again, I would lose a lot of weight on a crazy fad diet and not keep it off long enough to pay for all the new clothes.  Then the weight would pile back on plus more.

When I was in my fifties, my doctor said I need to lose weight because I had type II Diabetes.  I said, but my sugar isn't THAT high.  No, I won't take pills, exercise is too hard and I don't really care anyway.  I developed Neuropathy.  My feet either tingle or burn ALL of the time.  Thank the good Lord for Lyrica, which gives me some relief.  I still can't feel my toes and my feet up to my instep.  This is serious, this is for real and this ain't going away.

Now, I am in my sixties and have a 20 month old grandson who lives 2500 miles away.  Flying there is difficult, anyway.  Even worse because of the size of luggage I need to take for the size clothing I wear.  It tires me out and I can't get down on the floor and play with him.

As I was preparing myself for this surgery; I practiced chewing my food 25 times each bite and actually lost over 10# before the 2 week pre-op diet.  I was down 27# the day of surgery.

I asked myself if I thought I could do this without surgery and the answer is:  Of course I can lose weight, I have done it a number of times.  But what tools do I have to maintain the weight loss?  Evidently none because I always gain it back plus more.  Surgery is an option to give me the tool I need to be healthy and active.

I second guessed myself up until two days before surgery when I had overwhelming peace that I was making the right choice.  (Thank God for praying friends.)

I realize it has only been a little over a week since my surgery, and in a few weeks, I will be celebrating my 62ND birthday and thanking God for a second chance to take care of this body He provided for me. 

Regrets?  Absolutely, I regret not having done this 10 or 20 or ?? years ago.


Day 2 at home

Nov 04, 2008

I had horrible diarrhea from the time I left the hospital until midnight (about 12 hours).  I was a mess (good thing I was planning to throw away my old underwear).  I wasn't planning on throwing away my bathroom, though.  I was able to clean up after myself.  My husband is not a caretaker, but I was so proud of him; he actually helped hold the plastic trash bags and got paper towels and cleaners.  God Bless him, this is not his forte.

Other than that, I am doing extremely well.  I was expecting to feel much worse. I hate the pain meds they taste nasty, so I am avoiding them.  I have discomfort, but not really pain. 

Much better today.  Thanks.  I was wondering if maybe I "dumped" on water.  I do have a tendency to gulp, not sip.  Is that possible?  My poor bottom was so sore, but is healing with the 12 hour rest it has had.  I don't like either (diarreah or constipation).  Have dealt with both in my life.

Other that that snag, I am doing so well.  I am amazed.  I reallty expected to feel worse.  I hate that liquid pain medication and am avoiding taking it.  I will, if I have pain, but really am doing so well.  PRAISE GOD!  He has really blessed me.

I feel a little achy, kind of like being sick, but not in pain.  I sleep fine and am really pleased that this is over.

Home from the hospital

Nov 03, 2008

I did great.  I am feeling great.  For the most part everything went quite well.  They had a little trouble keeping my breathing levels where they needed to be.  I just got home this afternoon.  I had diarrhea starting right before I left the hospital and it will not stop.  My hemorrhoids are killing me and I don't know what to do about it.  I will call the surgeon's office tomorrow, in the meantime I am keeping hydrated.

This is a bummer.

Surgery in 3 days...

Oct 27, 2008

I am eating SF Popsicles, SF jello and I took canned lower sodium chicken broth and cooked with black pepper, carrots, celery, onions, parsley and bay leaf, threw away everything but the broth.  It is so much better than just out of the can.  Tomorrow, I am going to cook chicken and make my own broth (same way, just better).  I am going to can it so I have it when I get home from the hospital (and I am almost out of canned soup).

I am so nervous and jittery.  I went to an Emotional Wellness Support Group this evening.  It was really good for me.  I took my husband and hope it was good for him.  He has reservations about this whole thing and is worried I will die.  I am not afraid to die, Jesus is my Saviour.  I am just worried about me and can I follow this protocol for life, since after Friday I am committed to this.

I'm getting things done that I have not felt like doing for several years.  I organized my kitchen cupboards so I can find stuff and to make room for my "new" little dishes.  (They were my Grandma's and I never use them, but there is no point saving them.  They are just little bowl and saucers.  She loved little things, me too.)  I will feel close to her when I eat off the little unmatched dishes she liked so well and used daily.)

I plan to get my bedroom a bit organized since I may be sleeping in my recliner and don't want to look at piles of things I need to do.  I am not doing EVERYTHING, just the things I feel are the most important right now.  Thursday, I am getting a haircut and then my mom and my husband and I are going to a hotel near the hospital.  My mom's friend got us the rooms for 10 days (comp).  She had the surgery 3 years ago, so she is way cool about this.

All of this nervous energy is helping get things done.  LOL  I have also lost nearly 25# since August 21 and am walking 30 minutes a day (1.5 miles).  We live in Pompano Beach, Florida and it is still hot here.  It was nice for walking today (not so humid) and is supposed to be nice the rest of the week.

About Me
Pompano Beach, FL
Surgery Date
Aug 29, 2008
Member Since

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