Where has the time gone....

Sep 16, 2012

Wow...I have not done a blog in months - wonder why I haven't had time LOL.  Let's see....new job, training for 5K, and oh yeah....DATING (which is alot of work).  Scale had not moved in weeks and I actually gained a few pounds on that wonderful beach vacay.  Hoping to be under 200 by my 1 year checkup.  Shopping everywhere (and my bank account can tell - lol).  NY&C is my new fav.  Still trying to figure out what's going on with the iron, prealbumin, and liver enzymes so I have switched hematologist and gastro is running a boat load of tests.  Hypoglycemia seems to be under control (havent had anything lower than mid 70s).  Beginning to feel pretty "natural" about me and my lifestyle (it's very routine now).  That's about it in a nutshell --- will update at my 1 year (OMG my 1 year is like 3 weeks away)
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9 months post op

Jul 13, 2012

 Not sure how I'm feeling about my 9 month checkup -- weight wise I was fine (still 205) BUT my labs are and have been a total unexplainable mess!!!  So I clearly get enough protein but the prealbumin is still low @ 11 (up from 8).  Vitamin A is now low (will take vitamins for 1 month), liver enzymes are still out of whack, and iron is not the best (switching infusions to every 2 weeks).  Colleen & Dr. Steele are worried that I may have an unrelated auto-immune issue and the low blood sugar issues and a high A1C just don't fit.  Still seeing oncologist, gastroenterologist, AND endocrinologist.  I am soooo tired of going to the damn doctors and the lab but I am worried that something is wrong even though I feel wonderful.  Anyway....staying with my current diet but trying to eat every 1 or 2 hours (and how I am suppose to get in the fluids is beyond me).  Ready to start week 4 of couch to 5K, talking to a new friend from NC (no expectations -- just fun), and the new job starts Monday!!!!

Loving life although a little frustrated 


Couch to 5K

Jun 10, 2012

Officially started couch to 5K today.  I am super excited (and so is Julie - my runner friend).  The program's structure is perfect for me...clearly laid out with goals (my M.O. all day).  Going to do a little "shoe" investigation because I want to run properly and not have any injuries.  I do have several pairs of athletic shoes but they were purchased with the gym in mind not running.  AND you know me....gotta have the correct tools.  Plan to do weekly blog on this new journey.  Hope my back tolerates this because I am actually excited.


Officially Overweight!!!!

May 27, 2012

Down to 214 which makes me officially overweight.  This is the first time in my entire adult life that I have not been obese or morbidly obese -- WOW!!!!!  This week was a 4 pound loss week and I think it had to do with calories vs exercise.  My exercise routine is modified because of my back so I think my body was not in starvation mode.  When I return to my regular routine I'm going to try and get more calories in because I think my body needs more during those tougher work out weeks.

Kinda strange day today though...went to Wine Festival with my usual crew but I have a friend that makes me feel very self conscious.  She can really do a number on me (I guess I let her though).  I am and have always been wayyyyy over the top on the confidence side BUT this friend can make me feel like a total idiot - especially when it comes to clothes.  Some of my other friends tell me that she may be a "hater" and now I'm competition (although she's looking for a husband and I'm just having fun enjoying my single life ).  Anyway, I am evaluating our "friendship" and gonna just keep on doing me (cute dresses, shoes and all).



NSV -- In the exercise category

May 02, 2012

My dear friend that is a runner has been trying to get me to run with her BUT I'm not really feeling that (nor is my knee).  So tonight I compromised and went to BOOT CAMP.  OMG -- I knew the exercises and what to do (wow did I really just type that - lol) but the pace was fierce.  I was wringing wet after the 10 min cardio warmup.  I am so proud of myself and happy to say it.  I actually participated in BOOT CAMP!!!  Several people commented and were very supportive which was so nice and made me feel right at home.   My friend had some other gals with her and at one point (while doing wall sits with 1 leg on a step) I was like "OMG... this is hard" and got the most supportive "YOU CAN DO IT...HOLD ON HOLD ON" .  BTW this support came from a teenie tiny runner who was not judging me but supporting me.  Who would have ever thought that I would feel comfortable at Boot Camp.

WOW -- life is truly awesome!!!!!

American Eagle BABY!!!!!

Apr 18, 2012

Found a pair of AE jeans (with the tags still on) in my son's closet and he didn't "feel" like taking them back so off I went AND got my first item(s) from AMERICAN EAGLE   and only spent 53 cents thanks to his expensive taste in jeans.  It was funny when the clerk said "we can give you a merchandise credit...do you want to look around" and I was thinking "does she think there is something in here that will fit me"   Well I hope she ways cause this chica got 3 shirts size XL - YAY BABY (cannot wait to wear this really cute pastel tee with some shorts OR my jean skirt) -- can it get warm again real quick!!!

Loving life

6 months post op

Apr 13, 2012

 YAY 6 month check up today and I got a 5 star review.  Still some confusion as to why I'm not absorbing protein so we are checking with Dr. Raja to see if thallesemia or the anemia have influences.  Was hoping to weigh-in at 222 for a nice 60 pound post op loss BUT it was 226 (and I've been there for almost 2 weeks).  It's all good no stressing cause I feel good AND looking mighty good.  NSV this week at training -- I could fit in the seat AND pull out the "desk piece" and there was space between it and my tummy LOL.  Cannot wait to rock my new spring/summer stuff -- got some killer shoes to go with some cute flirty short dresses.  Look out summer....here I come (120 lbs less).

Loving AND enjoying my life
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Rambling Update

Apr 06, 2012

 Things are really beginning to fall into place although they may have already been there BUT I wasn't recognizing it.  I have a coworker (AC)  who has had surgery and when I see her I think she looks so good.  I took a picture with her AND damn I look good standing by her   Out shopping today (I really need to stop...well I will...soon - lol) and had on a fluorescent pink fleece from Old Navy that is a little big now and let me say it feels so good when a "normal" size person says  "I love that jacket...where did you get it" which for me translates to....this person is looking at me and doesn't think I don't shop in the same "regular" stores that she does.  Call me crazy but it felt very validating.  May have a coworker (DH) that is showing some potential hater behavior.  She has really been talking alot about exercising and I'm beginning to think it's because Big Ole Adrienne is creeping into her "territory". Just keeping my eye on it and I am actually prepared to let our relationship go.  Had IV iron therapy today (uneventful except I did have loose stool but that could be food related).  Best part of my day.....226lb Adrienne had her 1st massage and it was fantabulous.  So of course I joined and will be treating myself to monthly massages.

Live is so darn good and I am truly loving it!!!!



Mar 24, 2012

 What to do on a rainy day....clean out and organize the closet AGAIN   and of course I found my NOLA outfit that I use in my standard before picture.  I had planned on using the same outfit for my "official" after pic but decided to try it on anyway and WOW her she is 116 lbs less and feeling very surreal (it is ME) 


6 day hospital stay

Mar 02, 2012

 Very long (my way of letting go).....
Woke up Friday morning due to pain in my breast bone/tummy area, proceeded with my daily routine and took a sip of my shake and OUCH!!! Pain, pressure, burning.  Tried water and same thing.  Something wasn't right.  Surgeon's office sent me to local ER (as soon as you say chest pain).  Had CT scan with contrast (had to drink way too much contrast -- I think they were really confused about bypass patients) and radiologist thinks he sees twisted bowel.  YIKES...ambulance ride to Hopkins.  Note too much happens over the weekend except I get lots of IV fluids and pain meds and Dr. Steele comes to see me (and of course I burst into tears).  Ulcer o gallbladder?  Monday is endoscopy day....no ulcer and ultrasound....gallbladder is happy.  Tuesday is upper GI day (but no can do because I'm still full of contrast from friday).  Wednesday upper GI day and as soon as I drink the barium the radiologist goes "ohhhhhh" and I say YES that's it.  Now I'm officially no longer crazy and thinking that I'm imagining the pain.  You can clearly see where the liquid stops then the esophagus relaxes and down it goes.  Next steps...need to have a manometry test, see a hematologist (blood work just doesn't equate to the anemia...thalassemia may be the culprit), adding a few meds to hopefully calm the esophagus, warm/soft food diet).  Thursday.... YEAH time to go home.  Lots of appointments in the next few weeks eating and drinking is not the easiest nor the most comfortable but I will get the protein shakes in (prealbumin is down to 8).  Not going back to work until after my follow up on Thursday and I honestly need the time --- I am exhausted and feel totally out of control (hard to imagine ME not being in control and susceptible, open and vulnerable -- my weaknesses in full force).  Family....take them like they are.  They mean well but do not get it.  A lot of that is my fault because I always minimize everything but most of them can barely take care of themselves and there is not too much that they can do or offer that can help me.  Not going to let this little hurdle get the best of me.  Taking the next few days to be totally selfish and think about me only.  

Hospital highlights... the 60 minute ambulance ride with a NASCAR driver behind the wheel, having my IV moved 4 times, 4am blood draws, 6am rounds, keeping my arm straight so the IV pump alarm didn't go off,  the staff banging on the drug cabinet every night, the day the security guard was arrested for assaulting a patient in the stairwell, my tech Eloise (cute wig but the gold tooth was a bit much)

Whew.....feeling better already time to take some meds and tylenol PM (it's gonna be a good nights sleep).

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About Me
Germantown, MD
Surgery Date
Sep 22, 2011
Member Since

Friends 40

Latest Blog 26
