4 Months Post Op, Already?

Feb 10, 2010

Yesterday was my four month mark! I honestly can not believe how fast time has been flying by! I wish I could slow things down a bit! Goodness, I remember just like it was yesterday that I got my date, and I was thinking man oh man it’s going to take forever! Ha. Now look at me! Today I weighed in at 219! 72 pounds gone! I can’t believe I’m going to be out of the 200’s soon, and just after that Ill be hitting my 100 pound loss! Wow. It feels great! I’ve been going to the gym a lot more, and it feels really good, although I hate the gym lol. I can actually get on the treadmill, and RUN! Wow! Never in a million years did I think Id be able to do that, let alone in PUBLIC! I’m changing so much, but its all for the better! I’m mad at my Wii Fit right now because it still stays at the very high end of Obese, and I HATE HATE HATE that! My BMI is 35.4 so, slowly but surly it’s coming down!  

Believe it or not I’m still in Michigan! Ugh. Talk about annoying. Our orders have been canceled (to Hawaii), and we are waiting for our replacement orders to Camp Pendleton, California. I was upset at first, but I’m over it. I just want to be home with my little family, which is why I just bought our plane ticket back to Jacksonville, NC! We leave Saturday! Thank god! I don’t know how long we will be there, but I’m happy to be going “home”. I can go back to Dr. Mac for an APT too!!! That makes me really happy!  I’m going to miss my mom and dad like crazy though! I’m such a lucky girl to have such an amazing family! They have helped me so much with Lily these last 2 ½ months! They do a lot for us! Including watching her so I can go to the gym. =)  

Well that’s about it for now. I’m going to take some 4 month pictures tonight, and when I get home Ill do my measurements! I’m really excited to check them because I haven’t checked my measurements since my 1 month mark!!!  

Hope everyone is well!!  

Until next time  


Still Stuck In Michigan, Boo

Jan 26, 2010

So I’m still here in Michigan. I was supposed to leave for Hawaii this morning, and man oh man that’s depressing! Its freezing, and snowing here, and its super annoying. I’m just not in love with this weather. It’s keeping me inside. I’ve been going to the gym, but it’s not the same as going outside and running around, and playing with Lily. My weight is slllooooowwwwlllyyy coming off. I loose about a pound sometimes two a week. I wish I was loosing faster, but I’m hoping that means my skin will not be AS flabby. I know I’m going to have to have a tummy tuck, and an arm lift, and some boob work lol. Jeeze.   I had steak the other night… I cut it into TINY pieces, and oh man, it was so so good! Then the other night I went to Bennigans, and got a grilled chicken breast with Swiss cheese on top! MAN it was good! Holy cow! I loved it! I felt amazing after eating, it was a great dinner!   As for the move. Things were put on hold for about a week or two so we should be in Hawaii in about 2 or 3 weeks! I can’t wait! I miss my husband so much, and Lily really misses her daddy! Although as soon as we get to Hawaii we will be getting ready for a deployment to Afghanistan, and I’m not looking forward to that, but I can’t stress about that until its time.   So over all everything is going well. I think I really need to step up my exercise game, which will be so much easier once we are in Hawaii lol. But I can at least try and work on it here. Blah   I hope everyone else is doing well. Ill update again once I get word on our flight dates!   <3

3 Months Post Op

Jan 10, 2010

Sorry guys I haven’t updated in forever. I just hit my 3 month mark, and thank the lord things are getting easier for me. I’m now officially at 228 lbs which puts me at 64 lb loss, and I’m very happy with that. I’m in a 17/18 jean from a 24/26. My tops are L/XL from 3X. I actually went into target and just picked up some clothes to try them on, and it felt wonderful! I think I’m going though the loosing inches phase. I’ve been floating around 229-230 for about 2-3 weeks. However I can tell I’m still getting smaller so it has to be inches. I wish I would have brought my measuring tape with me, but hell that will be a big difference once I finally get to use it!  

Food is getting easier for me. The meats especially. I don’t over indulge at all, I’m too worried about it lol so I eat very small portions. I just worry about getting all my protein in, and I CANT wait to get to Hawaii, and get settled in so I can start my daily routine, its really hard to do that here.  

I’m still in Michigan, and because of paper work, and the holidays our flight got pushed back until January 26th. Which yes, is a huge bummer, but I’m getting so spend more time with my family, so it’s really great. IT’S JUST COLD! I hear about how WLS patients get cold a lot after surgery, well moving to Michigan for the months of December, and January doesn’t help one bit! I’m a seriously freezing my ass off, and I CANT WAIT to get to Hawaii! I know its time for a Post Op appointment, but I cant go here, I have to wait until we get to our next Duty Station, and I will be getting in as soon as I can! 

I haven’t taken my “official” post op photos because my husband takes them for me, but I did take some pictures around Christmas time that I’ll be posting for everyone tonight.   Ill try my best to post another blog before I leave, so I can update everyone on my progress. I don’t know how long until we will get our internet and everything over there, so just hang in there with me, and I promise to get better with my posting!
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9 weeks POST op

Dec 15, 2009

So it’s been a while for an update, and that’s because we are dead smack in the middle of our move. So far the moving companies have come in packed the house, and shipped all our goods. We have checked out of base housing, and my daughter and I are staying in Michigan (mom’s house) for the holidays. Which I LOVE by the way. I’m going to miss the family a lot while in Hawaii. They were able to visit often (every 4-5 months) while we were in N.C. and I don’t think that will be the case for Hawaii. My plan is to however come here for every Christmas if we can afford it, and if its god timing. According to my husbands new command he will be getting ready for a deployment as soon as we get to Hawaii, and will be leaving sometime after March. Oh lovely. I knew it was coming, its time. Doesn’t mean I have to like it. Ill deal with that later when the time is right.   Okay let’s move on. It’s been about 9 weeks now, and things are finally starting to stay down! Thank the Lord! Meats are getting easier to swallow, and are getting stuck less and less. I still can’t believe how small the amounts are, and how full I feel after eating, but I know everything is right, and this is working for me. I’ve been at a stall for about a week now, and I know that some of the issue is I’m not getting in all my protein. TRUST ME I’m trying, but it’s so weird with not being hungry, and some days I would just rather not eat at all! When I have them kinds of days I at least get in all my fluids, and try to take in some protein shakes. My current weight is 237 LBS. Which is 5 lbs away from my 60 LB mark! My goal was to make it to 230 by New Years, and as long as I can keep getting my protein in I think Ill make it. I’m very happy with my progress so far, I just wish I had my measuring tape so I could see the inches as well… Speaking of seeing, why can’t I tell the weight change in the mirror? I can tell in my jeans, and shirts, and when I wrap some towels around myself, but not in the mirror! What’s that about? Me no likey.   So all in all that’s about it for now. I’ve been trying to get out and go to stores and walk my happy ass every night (ITS FREEZING HERE), and I’m really looking forward to getting to our new destination so I can get into the gym, and start really working on myself!   Ill update one more time before the move (January 11th) to let everyone know how I’m holding up (especially around these holidays), and then Ill update again as soon as we are in housing, with internet… which could be a while.   Thanks for sticking around   <3   Ilene

6 weeks Post Op

Nov 23, 2009

I have to apologize for not updating sooner. It’s been a very crazy few weeks, and will continue to get crazier and crazier! As most of you know my hubby is in the Marine Corps, and we recently got orders to Hawaii, and as exciting as it may be its very stressful to relocate! The movers come next week, and my daughter and I will be going back to Michigan until the 2nd week of January, which is when we move to Hawaii!

  It’s been six weeks since I have had my Lap Rny. It’s been a crazy 6 weeks, and with time its gets better and better. I still have trouble with meat, but the doctor reassured me that everything is going well, and everything will get better with time. Lunch meat and I do not get along, what’s so ever.  BUT I am officially down 40 pounds in 6 weeks! I'm thrilled! I feel good, my energy level is raising, and I know I shouldn’t be making excuses but if I had more time I would 100% focus it on exercising! I'm really hoping that while I'm at my moms I can get to the gym every night and get my butt on that elliptical! I got my 1st labs done, and my vitamin D level is low so the doc wrote me a script to take for 8 weeks to shoot it back up.

  I'm a little nervous about finding a doctor in Hawaii, but my doctor was telling me that the hospital on base is an awesome hospital, and they should have exactly what I need, or can refer me to who I need to see, which made me feel a lot better. I also had a long talk with my mom, and I really think I should start talking to a therapist. I think I have a lot of food issues, and I would love some answers, and some tools so I can be successful with my weight loss. So I WILL make sure I look into that as soon as I get settled in Hawaii.

  I'll be spending this thanksgiving packing, which will be good so I don't get tempted to eat lol. I should be going… got lots to do. I'll update at my moms, and let everyone know how I'm doing! Thanks for following! =)

1 month POST op

Nov 08, 2009

Good morning all. I have officially hit my 1 month post op date. I never thought I would make it lol. That torn muscle of mine has finally returned to hell. I swear to god that was going to be the death of me! It’s been 4 days now and I haven’t felt a single pain! I was so worried that it would never ever go away! I'm still a little careful, because I don't want to strain it, and hurt myself again.

  Food, Ha. Food is the route of all evil with me. Some days I can handle food some days I can’t. One night over the weekend I had some grilled chicken, and a small scoop of mashed potatoes. I swear to god I felt like running in circles because it didn't get stuck, it didn't hurt, and I felt amazing for being able to eat that damn chicken! I have no issues with soft food at all. It’s the meats that I'm having so much of an issue with! But I'm taking it day, by day and I'm working on it. I have no issues with getting my liquids in now, and that makes me a happy camper.

  I haven’t experienced “dumping” yet, so I'm not sure if I'm a “dumper” or not. I hope I don't find out lol. I'm really starting to feel better about my self, which is making me work harder at trying to get all my protein in, and exercise.

  I went to the Marine Corps ball last week, I didn't have fun. I felt huge, and miserable. If only I would have looked at my two ball pictures before I went I would have felt better about my self. I just sat there, and was embarrassed, and miserable. I really hope next year will be deferent or I'm scared my hubs will take someone else (lol he really wouldn’t do that).

  As of this morning I am 262. That’s 29 pounds in 4 weeks. I'm happy about this. At frist I was like man, I thought the scale would move everyday, but now that I'm really looking at the big picture that’s almost 30 lbs in a month when has that ever happened for me? So I'm happy about that!

  Also I did my measurements last night, and I'm down 13 inches. This also made me a happy camper! So. I'm starting to be more positive about this whole thing. I will admit that in the beginning (the fist 2/3 weeks) I was like oh man what the hell did I DO to my self? But not, it’s getting better, and I'm starting to see that girl hiding inside of me, and man its going to be good to show her off soon enough! My next goal is to be 230 lbs by Jan 1st. wish me luck!

  I have a lot going on the next month. We are gearing up for our big move to Hawaii, and its very stressful getting everything together, and getting the moving company here in time, and all that good stuff. They will be here on the 30th, and my daughter and I will be headed back to Michigan for the holidays, that way we are out of the way, and we can visit with family, because we don't know when we will be able to come back for visits.

  I have a dr. apt the last week of this month, so I'll be sure to keep everyone posted with my progress. When did you all get the okays to get on the elliptical and stuff? I wasn’t allowed to because of that damn muscle, but I wanted to get on there so I can burn a little more then my walking can…

  Okay, until next time!

1 comment


Oct 27, 2009

It’s not all going to be a beautiful journey. Today was the worst day so far. I woke up feeling a lot better. My torn muscle was still tender, but not nearly as bad. It was a lot better; in fact I was dancing while cleaning the dishes. Then after dinner it went all down hill after that.

  I had some chili for dinner… no let me rephrase that. I had two bites of chili for dinner. It was only beans, it wasn’t and hamburger meat or anything, but anyways I chewed, I guess it wasn’t enough, because something got stuck. Now I dealt with something stuck before, an egg. I was like okay relax this will pass. This was at 4:30. It’s now 10:30, and I'm just now feeling better. I can’t even explain how many times I have thrown up in the last few hours. I'm scared to lie back down because that’s when I was getting sick. The pressure in my chest was awful, almost unbearable. I couldn’t even sallow my own damn spit! It wouldn’t go down forever. Then I had some water, and did one more hurl, and bam, a little piece of bean came up! My muscle hurts more now then ever! I feel like I just can’t catch a break.

  My emotions are all over the place. I don't know what the hell I did to my body damnit. I'm starting to feel like this was not for me. I'm starting to feel like it wasn’t meant to be for me. I feel huge lately, disgusting, a pig. I'm at a really low point, and I just need a pick me up. Ha, not turning to food though! Food will be the death of me.

  Tomorrow I think I will go for the cream of wheat, and yogurt only. I'm not ready to go though that again. Does it get better? I don't understand how such a little piece of bean caused so much discomfort!!! How will I ever be able to eat a piece of chicken?? Or salad? Or Tuna? Or anything???

  Please, please tell me it gets better!!!


Oct 25, 2009

I'm frustrated damnit. I started this journey at 292. The day of surgery I was 287. One week out of surgery I was 271. The second week of surgery nothing. This morning. I'm 272.4. I can’t seem to get out of the 270’s. I can’t really be hitting a stall this early out can I? I'm doing the best I can at getting all my protein in, and my fluids. I need to start writing everything down to make sure, but I'm almost positive that I'm pretty close if not right on.

  Also I can’t seem to shake this “pulled muscle”. Some days its better then others, but its stopping me from being more active. I go walking, but I can’t make it very far with out it tightening up, and causing me pain. I'm starting to think oh man another thing that I have failed at. I'm very emotional about it, and I'm driving myself crazy. I don't really know what else to do. I go back to the doc on the 2nd, so I'm looking forward to that so I can ask what the heck is going on. I'm trying not to compare my weight loss with everyone else but its kind of hard. I just need that damn scale to move a little more this week, then last.

  That’s it for now.


Holy Ow!

Oct 22, 2009

Well I talking on the phone and eating my egg this morning, which I think is one of my food issues. When ever I was on the phone I would want to eat, I never paid attention to what I ate, I would just stuff my face, its sick. It was a routine for me...

Ha, that routine is BROKEN for GOOD! I think I either ate too fast, or didnt chew chew chew. Well it got stuck, HOLY SHIT! Ill never ever talk on the phone while eating again, unless its a popcicle, but Im going to shoot for nothing. Man did that hurt like hell. My first STUPID response was OMG Drink something, push it down! HAHAHA NOPE! I did that and the water didnt even go down, to shot right back up. So I stood against the wall making a funny noise until it slowly, but surely went down. Oh and I completly freaked my husband out with this little act as well lol! Thank GOD it went down, and I was okay, but I can tell you I will not be doing that again. lol

The scale isnt moving too much. I flluxate (spelling?) ALOT durning the day, and I HATE THAT! I go from 271 to 275 all day long, and every morning Im back to 271. Does this mean Im doing something wrong? Im working on my protien the best I can, and the fluids are good, but that dang scale isnt moving alot this week.

I've been going through the "what the hell have I dont to my self" lately. Manily when I see people eating the foods that I know taste so good, but are so bad. Its lame, I know I did something to better myself, but my fat self is still questioning what the hell is wrong with me. It dosent help that this pulled muscle is the death of me. My daughter has been sick for the last 2 days, so I have had to carry her more, and pick her up in her crib though out the night, so thats not helping me heal. ONE DAY ILL BE BETTER! I cant wait for that day to come damnit! 

Well thats my rant for the day. I hope everyone is gearing up for a great weekend!


1st Post Op Apt.

Oct 20, 2009

Yesterday I had my 2 weeks post op appointment. Everything went well. I don't know what’s going on with my weight, but I'm up and down like 5 pounds, it all depends on what time I weigh my self. To date I'm still at my 20LB mark, and I'm pretty happy with that. I mean when else in my life have I lost 20 lbs in 2 weeks? Ah, never.

  I had a few questions when I went in. Mainly the extreme pain I have in my lower left abdomen wall. Turns out that I was right… I tore a muscle, and may have even torn a stitch inside. They are not worried because there’s no blood in my stool, so it’s healing. It just hurts like mother ^*%^! I was told it may take up to a month to heal. I just have to walk it out, and use a heating pad.

  My other issue, the tingling leg. Man that’s annoying! It’s been going on at night, and it wakes me up, it don't hurt it’s just extremely annoying! I was told it’s from being on the operating table so long, and that it will heal with time, just walk and walk. That’s the answer to everything lol, walk it out baby!

  To my surprise I have progressed to stage 2 foods! I was so shocked! I thought I would have to wait until Friday, but I was given the okay, and man was I excited!! This morning I had a scrambled egg, and man was that amazing! I'm going to have some tomato soup with some protein for lunch!

  I’ve been doing very well with my liquids, and man oh man I love the sugar free popsicles! They are a life saver. The powered protein is not my friend, and I'm looking forward to getting other sources of protein in my diet. The exercising, I'm not walking enough, but it’s hard because that damn muscle. I can only walk for a little bit, then it tightens up, and I can’t move. I was told just to do what I can, and keep it up.

  All in all it was a good 1st appointment, and I go back on November the 2nd. I'm looking forward to it. Not the drive, but I like going to the doctors, and seeing success baby!

  I hope everyone else is doing well!


About Me
Jacksonville, NC
Surgery Date
Jun 05, 2009
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