1 month POST op

Nov 08, 2009

Good morning all. I have officially hit my 1 month post op date. I never thought I would make it lol. That torn muscle of mine has finally returned to hell. I swear to god that was going to be the death of me! It’s been 4 days now and I haven’t felt a single pain! I was so worried that it would never ever go away! I'm still a little careful, because I don't want to strain it, and hurt myself again.

  Food, Ha. Food is the route of all evil with me. Some days I can handle food some days I can’t. One night over the weekend I had some grilled chicken, and a small scoop of mashed potatoes. I swear to god I felt like running in circles because it didn't get stuck, it didn't hurt, and I felt amazing for being able to eat that damn chicken! I have no issues with soft food at all. It’s the meats that I'm having so much of an issue with! But I'm taking it day, by day and I'm working on it. I have no issues with getting my liquids in now, and that makes me a happy camper.

  I haven’t experienced “dumping” yet, so I'm not sure if I'm a “dumper” or not. I hope I don't find out lol. I'm really starting to feel better about my self, which is making me work harder at trying to get all my protein in, and exercise.

  I went to the Marine Corps ball last week, I didn't have fun. I felt huge, and miserable. If only I would have looked at my two ball pictures before I went I would have felt better about my self. I just sat there, and was embarrassed, and miserable. I really hope next year will be deferent or I'm scared my hubs will take someone else (lol he really wouldn’t do that).

  As of this morning I am 262. That’s 29 pounds in 4 weeks. I'm happy about this. At frist I was like man, I thought the scale would move everyday, but now that I'm really looking at the big picture that’s almost 30 lbs in a month when has that ever happened for me? So I'm happy about that!

  Also I did my measurements last night, and I'm down 13 inches. This also made me a happy camper! So. I'm starting to be more positive about this whole thing. I will admit that in the beginning (the fist 2/3 weeks) I was like oh man what the hell did I DO to my self? But not, it’s getting better, and I'm starting to see that girl hiding inside of me, and man its going to be good to show her off soon enough! My next goal is to be 230 lbs by Jan 1st. wish me luck!

  I have a lot going on the next month. We are gearing up for our big move to Hawaii, and its very stressful getting everything together, and getting the moving company here in time, and all that good stuff. They will be here on the 30th, and my daughter and I will be headed back to Michigan for the holidays, that way we are out of the way, and we can visit with family, because we don't know when we will be able to come back for visits.

  I have a dr. apt the last week of this month, so I'll be sure to keep everyone posted with my progress. When did you all get the okays to get on the elliptical and stuff? I wasn’t allowed to because of that damn muscle, but I wanted to get on there so I can burn a little more then my walking can…

  Okay, until next time!


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About Me
Jacksonville, NC
Surgery Date
Jun 05, 2009
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