12-1-08 hello! Just checking in with my monthly (almost) check-in. Thought I would share a great website with anyone who's reading this: calorieking.com  I was just on there...it gives you all kinds of great nutriional info and how much exercise to work off exactly what you just ate. Pretty cool!

I started a cycling class (like spinning). It's really intensive, but I feel like I'm doing something. I asked how many calories people burn on a normal workout (of course it's dependent upon how much effort you put into it)...but she said about 550 calories for the hour workout - well that about covers the scone I had today.

We had a lovely Thanksgiving, I ate mostly turkey and of course some fruitsalad (some things must not be forgotten, even during the holidays) and I really increased my protein drinks. I jogged a few miles one day and a few the next and hiked on Saturday for a bit. So I was able to keep moving except I did spend a lot of time on my butt watching movies with the family. I feel good about making some good choices and the exercise I did do. :)

Doing the cycling class twice a week, rowing machine, and yes, of course, I STILL need to work on the strengthing. One of  my weaknesses. Perhaps a pilates class?

Have a great December!  Jan

10-1-08 I ran 3 1/2 miles today, I have to say that I am so fricken proud of myself that I make myself workout. I'm hoping that I can continue running (my knee will be the determining factor). I really enjoy it, I just need to do more strength conditioning. That's on my list. I got my labs back (for my three year post-op appt). They were really great: Cholesterol 189, HDL 70 LDL 98 LDL/HDL ratio 2.7 and Tryglycerides 69. Really great numbers. Everything else was very good with B12 / B 1 levels normal. I was a little bit low in protein and red blood cells so I need to increase protein and take an additional small amount of iron. My bp runs around 118/68. I can't tell you how glad I did this. I took the realage.com test and although I'm 47, my real age is 42 (five years younger health wise). It saved my life. Considering I lost both my mom and dad when they were both 59 years old, I'm so thankful.

Boy, I can't believe it's already September 21st...wow. I had my three year annivesary since surgery on the 7th of this month. Just went in for my yearly labs and I see the doctor next week. For those of you getting ready to have surgery, remember it's a life time committment. I'm not perfect, far from it - but I do my best to take care of myself. I ran 10 miles this week and rowed on the rowing machine 1 1/2 hours approx...glad I worked off that scone and I've been cutting off my latte habit (non-fat, no syrup of course anyway). Anyway, I just wanted to check in and say hello if anyone even reads my stuff (doubtful).

Three years out and a size 4 still - 133 pounds (this is a heavy week for me, probably from all the working out I've been doing). Muscle and yes, after I make myself go a bit farther each time at the gym, I am so proud of myself. It's really amazing how good I feel - I turned 47 yikes! But am in better health now than ever.

July 25, 2008: Time flies when you're having fun doesn't it? Still a size 4 people - I fluctuate from 128 to 133 that is my set point apparently. I'm still working out and still doing a lot of kayaking - lots of activity with my guy. Yes, through all the "stuff" we are still together.  I am working on continuing my vitamin routine and taking good care of myself. It's a continual effort even after this long. It's not magic, but still so much better than it ever was before. Life is good and I'm happy. Thank you Dr. Foster!

11-21-07: Well, it has been awhile again...I am going to try to be better about keeping my journal. I am holding steady at 128 pounds and a size 4. I still don't see myself that way though. I wonder if I ever will?  But I am soooo active and healthy. I love life and I can do so much that I had to put myself on hold from doing. I have a great lover in my life (Yes, still Shaun) and my job is going great. What else...hum, I took up kayaking this summer and Nick (my son) and I rafted down some class III plus rapids on the Trinity. I hike all the time and can run and jump and play. I feel so much younger than my years and feel that way too. Tomorrow's Thanksgiving... and I have so much in my life to be thankful for. I developed an addiction in my life though: non-fat, no foam (no sugar) latte's. Could be worse I guess, huh? Still working out at the gym; doing well. Enough for now. I will check in soon.

4-27-07...it's been awhile hasn't it? I'm down to 127.5 as of this morning, only 2.5 to go to get to my final goal. I work out about five times a week, I'm dating a man 8 years younger than me and boy is he fantastic! I'm very happy and healthy and if anyone is trying to decide to do this surgery, it is a personal decision...but I am so glad I did it. I'm down to an x-small top, size four (or maybe a small six) in pants and size 6.5 shoe (yes, even your feet shrink!).

Take care!  Love and prayers,



Below is my old profile, I didn't want to lose my history, so I will just start new at the top of each entry. 10-27-06 135 on my scale, 137 on the doctor's scale today. BP 108/68 awesome, huh? I had to go to the doctor because last night I was stupid and after I worked out 45 minutes on the eliptical, I decided to jog non-stop for 20 minutes. Guess what? dumb for a person with osteoarthritis in her hips. I could barely lift my left to push the clutch in on the way home. I cried it hurt so bad. I guess my jogging days are over. I have to see an orthopedist and do some physical therapy. I dont like having limitations at my ah..young? age (smile).

I stopped seeing the four dater guy...he wanted all of my time off to go out with him. He was planning the next few months for us. Woah! I don't think so. I guess if he was the right person I would have no problem with it. But he's not the one for me. It's too soon to get involved right now. I just want to go out and enjoy myself.

10/2004 I had my consultation the other day and was very impressed with my doctor. Looking forward to getting my surgery done. Starting weight 294 according to the doctor's scale.

11/2005 Had to postpone this back in November...but I am ready and running again! Next appointment with Dr. Foster coming up in two weeks. I am getting all the pre-op requirements taken care of and have joined weight watchers to lose the required weight to get on track. I am so excited! It's been a hard road of making the decision, but I finally made it. And...I have faith that this is right for me and my family. More later!

2/17/05 I met with Dr. Foster and everything went well. I have decided to try for the lap band so we are awaiting insurance approval. Weight 282 (eleven pound loss).

4/26/05 Received rejection letter from BC Pers Choice/PPO they said that the weight loss results aren't substantial enough for the surgery. I've been working out five days a week and working on getting myself into a routine for after the surgury. I need to file an appeal.

5/17/05 Mailed letter to insurance company with statistical data and testimonials for the lapband surgery to reconsider as the is not an experimental surgery. Hopefully I will get approval soon.

6/20/05 Received a second reject letter from Blue Cross indicating this is still an "investigative surgical procedure" and they will not cover the procedure. They also indicated that I am above the 50 bmi (however I am at 50 now since I lost 10 pounds). Frustrating.

7/15/05 Went to Dr. Foster's office and met with the dietician and we discussed option. Decided to go ahead with the RNY because I am tired of waiting and want to give up the LapBand battle with the insurance company. Weight check 283 (one pound gain - still minus 10). I was placed on a modified liquid diet (protein drink of breakfast, a healthy lunch and a protein drink for dinner). So far this week I have dropped 7.5 pounds almost to the 20 pound weight loss the doctor wants for the surgery date. Down to 275.5. Fingers Cross!

7/22/05 received my approval letter for the RNY. I couldn't get approved for the LapBand and have given up the fight. Everything will be fine!

7/29/05 I am scheduled to go back to see Doctor Foster, hopefully I will get a pre-op date set at that time! Hoping to have the surgery before school starts at the end of August. I am tired of "weighting" (waiting)...This is costing a fortune!

7/31/05 Surgery date scheduled for September 7! I lost 25 pounds since November. Slow, but finally finished the last 13 this month. Hi there! Well I am due to have my surgery next Wednesday, September 7. I am nervous, but ready. I've lost 35 pounds. I had my Pre-Op appointment on August 26th, everything went well. Everyone is really nice at the hospital and the doctor's office. P.S...I'm engaged as of last night, my guy got down on one knee and proposed. I said yes, of course! So many life changes ahead. We plan for a long (1 year) engagement, first things first...

9/15/05 I had my surgery last Wednesday, it went pretty well. We did the x-ray to see if there were leaks (no leaks...yeah!), but my joint was swollen and not allowing anything in. Stayed an extra 3 days in the hospital until the swelling went down and I was able to eat (drink). I went home on week two (soft/liquid foods)...I've been able to keep everything down since Sunday 9/11 (my birthday). I pushed myself while in the hosptial to walk the halls and named my i.v. rack Flo Baxter (those who have spent a lot of time attached to this rack will get the humor if you are observant). I came home last night on the plane after being away for 9 days away from my son, Nick. I sure missed him.

9/22/05 I am doing really well. Just readjusting right now, trying to get my protein and water intake up. I feel good, I've lost 18 pounds since 9/7/05. A total now of 53 pounds...Every day I lose a pound or so. My body has stopped aching already especially in my legs where I lived every day in pain. I have been afraid to try semi-solid food though, but I know that I need to try. Dr. Foster asked me to start off slowly, trying one new food a day and very little of that to avoid unecessary vomiting. I have good energy most of the day, when I don't eat I get lightheaded and know it's time. It's interesting! Went to my first restaurant yesterday with my friend, she had a lovely shrimp salad, bread a butter and a coke. I had decaf tea. Then got home and ate some low carb yogurt, that is difficult in social situations. I know that someday I will be able to make certain choices in a restaurant, so I will think positively. My stomach is like a baby's right now, I need to relearn to eat. It will take time. Be positive!

9/29/05 at a plateau for the last four days...I'm officially in the starvation mode. My body is fighting it and holding on to every pound. I've increased my exercise (walking) and have been trying to put more food in my system. I have been about 300 per day, under where I should be. So, I need to work on getting more protein drinks in or something. 241 now...21 pound loss in 3 weeks. It's a good thing! Unbelievable how my body wants to fight this though. We are amazing beings!

10/11/05 238 this morning, of course that could change any minute. Been at a standstill for weeks now, but 23 pounds in five weeks, so I can't feel too badly. My follow up appointment is Friday, it will be good to discuss ways to move things along a lot quicker. We do want to move so quickly, but in reality this should be a pretty good pace. More protein, more protein, more protein...my goal!

10/17/05 235. I went to my 5 1/2 week appt on Friday weighed in at 239. Slow weight loss due to lack of protein intake!!! Nothing I didn't already know! Today 235, lost 4 pounds. I have been good about eating more and have been putting Designer whey into my decaf coffee. It's not bad and I need to do it! I am much more awake/alert today. Also walking up the hill at work several times a day. I hurt last night when I tried to sleep on my right side, right under the ribcage on my side. I will keep my eye on it, hopefully it's not gallbladder issues developing. I sure enjoy reading the daily messageboards here and have learned so much. Back up to 237 today! I swear I am going to quit weighing myself. It's probably pms water weight gain (that's my story and I'm sticking to it). I have definitely been staying within the confines of the program, although I find because I have been consuming more protein, I consume less water now. I have to push the water too.

10/26/05 current weight 233 (down 29 pounds since surgery and 65 total loss). Feeling much better, I've been getting all my protein in for the most part and water. 10/30/05 down to 231, just waiting for the next goal (200). 31 pounds and 66 total now. I went out with my friend to look for a place to hold my wedding next year. We found this awesome place, now the problem is finding the money to pay for it. Sigh...:) Afterwards we went to dinner at this great restuarant and I actually enjoyed it so much I can even tell you all. I had 2 scampi and a few bites of baked potatoe. Oh my Gosh, it was so delicious!!! I loved it. I can tell you I sure appreciate fine dining now since I don't get it too often.

11/4/05 229 today, it's just creeping off. So slowly. People (and I) see the difference, I can wear clothes hanging in my closet that were gathering cobwebs and hey, it's a total of 69 now pounds, so that's nothing to sneeze at. Auchoooo! My skin is healthy, I feel good and I am getting what I need, so I better just hush up. I have dropped 33 since my surgery date. 11/13/05 and 224 for my documentation. I've been experimenting with different foods and have actually been enjoying them again. I've been drinking more of the protein drinks so I have been averaging about 70 grams per day and for the most part I'm getting my water.

11/22/05 221 check-in. Feeling tired from my trip to visit Esther in Chico. Esther had her surgery 3 years ago, she still looks fantastic! I'm concerned about her calorie/sugar intake though. How fast the weight creeps up when we are not paying attention. Looking forward to my four days off from work for Thanksgiving. I think we will go out to dinner and I will munch off of my boyfriend's plate and my son's plate. Hopefully one will order ham and one will order turkey...yum. I am not worried about it in the least...I must admit I have this weird feeling of embarrassment to show them my restaurant card. I don't know why I get that feeling.

12/3/05 218 check-in. Slow, slow, slow weight loss. I just want to get down below 200 and I will stop worrying. I tried on more clothes in my closet (14, 16 dresses)...they fit! I have more stuff to wear to work. My face is looking much thinner, but darn it if I can't get into my size 16 jeans. We are going to San Jose to see a Sharks game this next week and I am combining my 3 month check-up with Doctor Foster, sure wish I had dropped more weight, but I am losing at a healthy pace I suppose. 210 today! yeah!

12/23/05...Christmas is here, We've moved in with Scott. Lots of changes. I neglected myself during the weekend of moving and really suffered physically. So exhausted and tired from not getting enough anything! Won't do that again. Still getting to bed too late, I need to get my routine back. Dr. Foster was terrific on my 3 month check up. I am averaging 15 pounds per month which is just right. Feeling good except for this last weekend. I need to watch the Christmas cookies. I ate three in three different times yesterday. They were small, but I must be careful and stick to the protein. Happy New Year!

1-1-06...well, this has been a full year for me and my family. I had the surgery in Sept, got engaged and moved to a new house after almost 8 years as the Jan and Nick show (me and my 12 year old son). We moved in with my fiance and will be getting married in September a little over a year since my life changing surgery month. I can't believe how happy I am feeling and how much our lives have changed for the better. As of this morning I weighed in at 205 and wearing a size 16 jeans. I have been so lucky to not have to buy clothes as I have sizes reaching down to size 13/14. If I get smaller than that, I will hit the used clothing stores until I reach goal. 57 pounds since surgery and a grand total of 93 pounds since I started this journey a year or so ago. I am eating really well, getting my protein, taking my vitamins and feel good. 203 this morning! Yes! I am eating better these days and it's finally moving more quickly. I moved out completely from the old house today! The garage was a pit! But, we did it. The landlords said things looked nice.

January 29th and 197 pounds! I am below 200 finally. Today I am not feeling great! Nor was I yesterday, just feeling blah~ Moody, down, low energy. Depressed kind of. I thought maybe it was dehydration or a vitamin deficiency. I just emailed Dr. Foster, hopefully I will hear back. I think I will go ahead and increase my B-12 and wait to hear if there is something else I should take. I have already increased my water intake in case that has something to do with it. It get plenty of fluids (coffee, non-fat milk, Lean So-Be, and decaf coffee), but have been skipping plain old H2O. I am happy about my weight though and doing all that I can to take care of myself and eat right. I think some of my problem is hormonal and everything will be back to "normal" next week. Not too soon for Scott I am sure. Scott and I argue a lot lately. We are all adjusting and I am adjusting to a new way of living with my surgery and my body, my food intake is still low, everything is changing. At times I just want to cry and I don't know why. I have a great life! I have a great relationship, a great child, a great job...I'm pretty cute and nice...yet I am feeling so down at times. I think I better talk to Jane (my therapist) about this too. I postponned the wedding (in Sept)...because of all this stuff I am dealing with. I just hope I don't mess things up with Scott. Well, that's it. I guess it all goes along with the territory. This is a big change for me and I just don't think he realizes how much and how it's bound to affect me. I am trying to get back to "normal" whatever that is. Hugs! 2/3/06 194 pounds. Feeling better this week, although I ate a chicken strip last night and it felt like a brick. Went to bed, if only I could force myself to throw up. I just can't do it! I work up feeling good this morning, so it must have went down. Lesson learned - no fast food chicken with bbq sauce and honey mustard.

2-14-06 Happy Valentine's Day! Still at 194 pounds...but that's okay. I have been feeling better emotionally this week. Boy talk about being a bitch to Scott. I decided I won't let myself treat him like that any more! It's just not fair whether or not I am PMS'ing, or have a hormonal imbalance, depression..what ever it is...vitamin deficiency? Anyway, I treat everyone else nicely no matter what - I will treat the people I love good too. Damn it!

2-18-06 - 191 this morning YEAH! I started Wellbutrin today, I tried everything to avoid it, but it looks like it's something I need to take for awhile till I get off this roller-coaster. I came this close to moving out of here yesterday. 2-27-06 187 this morning. The Wellbutrin is working really well! I am moving out though into my own place. We need more time (I need more time) to get adjusted. 2-20-06 188 this morning! Wellbutrin seems to be helping so far, but it's only been a few days. Feeling more calm that's for sure. I pray it works.

3-1-06 186 - pound by pound it's coming off. 76 pounds since surgery isn't bad for six months! 113 total. 3-3-06 185 - the Wellbutrin is helping. Feeling more like myself. I got new contacts (a new brand) and they make my eyes burn if I'm on the PC too long, so I'll make this short. I rented a place for my son and I today, it just isn't working out at the moment at Scott's. I signed a year lease, so I will have everything (hormones, etc.) leveled out by then and we'll try again in a BIGGER house! 1000 Sq Ft just isn't big enough for three people, two big dogs and two cats. Bye for now. Woo hoo 178

3/22/06. My six month checkup went great! I spent way too much money shopping though. I wish I hadn't gone to SF with a friend of mine. I wouldn't have spent so much shopping. Oh well...it was a nice trip. I figured out that I have lost 40% of my body weight. Only 40 something more pounds to go. I'm almost there. 173 on

4/14/06. Seems like a slow 5 pounds huh? 23 days...But I know I'm losing inches. I am wearing a size 10 dress now, not bad from a size 24 huh? Things are good, not sure about where my love life is going. I am feeling kind of like I want to have my cake and eat it too. I guess it's a stage I'm going through. My son turned 13 the other day. Wow!

5-22-06 I'm at 162 and feeling really good. I joined a gym FINALLY last week and have been working out every day. I broke off my engagement with Scott and although it's very difficult - it was the right thing to do. I've already been in one divorce for this lifetime. I posted a personals ad and have met two people. Both dates went well, but one I especially liked. I have decided to not get serious for awhile and just date and have some fun with my new persona and body. I still want to lose maybe 25-30 pounds more. Been addicted to non-fat-no caffeine lattes and it seems to be a good source of calcium and protein for me. Eating is good, I can eat just about anything, just not very much of it. Hugs, more later.

6-13-06 159...I've been working out still (have only missed three days in four weeks). Feeling great. The weightloss is slow but I know I'm losing inches. I feel it. I am trying to cut myself off of the non-fat latte's. I think that is hindering my weight loss. Also I am going to increase my protein. Feeling great! Everyone says how thin I am getting and logically I know that I am. But I still feel pretty big. Scott (yes...I said Scott) said it doesn't look like I have to lose anything else. I have to lose 26 pounds to get to goal. My own goal and the goal I set before my next appointment with Dr. Foster.

6-22-06 158 pounds. This is really slow! The last 20 pounds are a real pain. I'm sure over 10 is flab! 6-28-06 158 still!!! This is ridiculous! I wear a size 10 jeans and either a medium or small blouse. People say how skinny I am - I just don't feel it! I am certainly not skinny. I guess it takes awhile for your brain to catch up with your body image. I am really still pretty big, but in the :Overweight category now BMI 28! Pretty fantastic. I have been working out diligently and have incorporated some weight training into my cardio routine. Lately I've had to force myself to go to the gym, but even on those days it's hard for me I make myself go. I hope I can tone up some of this flab. I know some of it won't go away without surgery but it would be nice to trim some off. My friend who works at the gym explained something to mee when I was complaining about only losing 5 pounds one month. He said because of my weight now, the percentage 5 pounds is to what I weigh is higher (16.6%) so I am losing a higher percetage of my body weight even though it's not as much weight on the scale. It makes sense. BTW I've lost 85% of my excess body weight.

7-11-06 155 and occassional 156.5 depending on the time of day. I know...I'm obsessed (Like the rest of you!). These last pounds are really coming off slowly. I know I've come a long way and don't feel badly about the slow process. But, I would like to reach my goal by my September appointment.

7-15-06 154 this morning. Yeah! Only 19 more pounds til I get to goal. When I read above I notice a lot of plateau patters throughout the year, but one thing is certain. The weight comes off and perhaps slowly is better. I feel healthy and strong - do cardio and strength training. Life is good. If only I felt as good about my boyfriend (who is my ex-fiance'). I need to figure out what the heck I am doing and what I want when it comes to my love life. Oh well, that's life! By for now!

7-21-06 weighed in at 152 this morning! Increasing the protein and working out smarter has helped. I've been still doing my cardio, but have worked out on different machines lately instead of just the eliptical, been doing crunches and more strength training. Hopefully it will keep coming off!

8/8/06 weight: 150 this morning. I went to the doctor for my bone density test (Dr. Foster requested one for my appointment at the end of the month). I think it looked pretty good, but hey...what do I know. I will find out soon enough. All my other bloodtests are great! My cholesterol is 155 and the other one's were great. I forgot what the others were. Today during my bone scan, they found something on the hip bone (or pelvis). Because the test I took today is not supposed to be used for diagnostic purposes, I have to have another costly X-ray to get a diagnosis. We shall see...I think it's osteoarthritis.

8-16-06 147 pounds! Guess what...it's really severe osteoarthritis. I probably have it in my back as well as my hips. My left hip is worse than the right. Damn! I have been told for years it's muscular - pisses me off! Perhaps I could have slowed the progression down some if I had the proper diagnosis. I guess it's my fault too for not pushing them to dig deeper! I will not let that happen again. I go in tomorrow to see my doctor (not his PA) my real doctor...who I haven't seen in a year and a half or more. I don't think I will see the PA's unless I have minor problems in the future. Take care,

Jan 8-27-06 weighed in at a whopping 145 this morning. Feeling much better this week. I go for my one year check up on Tuesday with Dr. Foster. I think I did pretty well this year and managed to keep my labs in the normal range. It's been pretty good.

9-8-06 144 this week...things are moving off slowly, aren't they? I bought a size 8 blouse and a size 6 petite pants last night. I don't feel that small, I know that. I had my one year anniversary and it's been a good year all in all. Lots of changes in my life; my 45 th birthday is Monday. I have to wear reading glasses and have severe osteoarthritis in my left hip and moderate degeneration in my right and hip joints are in bad shape. I sure felt the effects of it after helping for about 14 hours at a friends Wedding / reception. I was on the couch all Sunday I ached so bad in my back and hips. The Tylenol X-tra strength and heating pad on for hours helped a lot. I learned a valuable lesson...don't volunteer again. I just forget my limitations with this pain I live with every day. I only wish it had been dianosed 10 years ago when I started seeing my doctors about it. They always said it was muscular...I should have take a firming stand on investigating the problem. I just lived with the pain all those years. I could have been on an anti-imflamatory for a lot of years to control the inflamation...now I can't take them. Pisses me off. I am changes personal care physician! Well, that's about the bad stuff in my world...otherwise life is very good and I'm happy. I can walk and exercise and as long as I don't over do it, I am pretty active. I don't have any regrets one year later. Just have to remember to keep up the Protein, vitamins, b-12 and calcium -- and water and exercise...ha just a few things, but nothing that wouldn't hurt the normal average person anyway. Hugs, more later.

9-22-06 at 141 pounds. I am finally categorized "normal" bmi. I feel pretty good, the arthritis has settled down since I stopped working out so hard. Scott and I are broken up for good and it is a good thing. He said some pretty bad things and I will never let him back into our lives. (me and my son). So I am single again and able to move forward with actually not feeling like I have to struggle to find someone who likes big women. Men are so shallow for the most part. Not all men, obviously since I haven't had trouble finding part

ners. Well, it's Friday night and I think I will take my son to the movies. More later. 9-25-06 140 this morning. Yeah 10-1-06 138 pounds. I have lost 161 pounds since July of 2005. Pretty impressive and I feel like a new woman. I am actually not embarrassed about myself anymore. I had a date last night and if he doesn't like me, I know it's my personality and character and not my weight. Being obese we always aim towards blaming the obesity not the personality. I mean...how could it be my personality? LOL. I guess the truth will be told soon enough (Will he call?)...maybe, maybe not. Scott and I haven't seen eachother for a month (less one day last Sunday at the Leon Russell concer) He just happened to be at the concert and wouldn't leave so I told him to grab another lawnchair out of my trunk and join me. I mean after three years, we could be cordial to each other right? That was that though. I am starting over and dating again, it's really weird. Really awkward, I love going out and doing things, plays, concerts, seeing the arts, community events. Scott never took me to anything except an occasional movie...he was content to eat dinner, watch tv and have sex. That was our life! I am so over that man, why did it take me so long to see that my life was in such a rut. Anyway, I guess it's all a learning process.

10-11-06, well, I've fluctuated a few pounds this week (I'm sure it's hormonal!)...In the scheme of things what's two pounds. I forgot to write about my date; it was really nice. We went to this play that was oh, I'd say just okay, but I still had a great time just being there! We went out again last night to see Flyboys and then went to a Mexican Restaurant called, Chapala's. I ordered a chicken enchilada and ate about half of it and played with the rest while we talked. I decided to not tell anyone about the surgery unless I really start seeing someone regularly. I have a personals ad on yahoo, but I don't have a computer at home right now so going online is difficult from work unless I come in at night and I live quite a distance away. Soooo all those men are just waiting for a response from me. I have a bunch of contacts...I need to call this one man for coffee this week. It's so silly being nervous, but sometimes I feel like I'm in 10th grade again when it comes to dating. Still no news from Scott and that is okay with me. I am finally over him...I really enjoyed going out last night and the week before last. The guy I saw last night asked me out for this weekend too, so I will go. Well, better get back to work! Break's over. TTFN

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Surgery Date
Oct 15, 2004
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