Post-Op Dr. Visit

May 20, 2009

I've just returned from my post-op visit at Dr. Pleatman's office.
There are nine pounds less of me than a week ago when I weighed in at my pre-op visit. I am so pleased!  That's about what I hoped I'd lose, but wasn't sure I'd make it given the seemingly enormous quantity of liquids I'm consuming. I know the loss will slow down over time, but I seem to be off to a good start.
The last two days have made a good deal of difference as far as achieving daily liquid and protein intake goals. I find I am learning the fine art of sipping, and my new "tiny tummy" is getting more acclimated to the almost constant deluge of fluids.
Tiny sip. . . wait. . . sip. . . wait. . . you get the picture. And don't even think about a regular swallow. I've made that mistake a couple of times while my mind was otherwise occupied. Found myself speechless and gasping in pain! Not Fun. But it's getting easier, and less painful as I get used to the slower pace.
On the whole I have to say that 
I. Feel. Great!!! 
My surgery experience was pretty easy as those things go. I didn't quite know what to expect in terms of pain. I remember having open gall bladder surgery some 3 months before laparoscopic surgery was available, and I thought my innards would surely burst out that incision every time I moved. The VSG surgery isn't painless, but it was nothing compared to that. I don't recall much in the way of pain after the procedure; I do know I asked for pain medication once, and it was speedily given. I don't think I had any after that. There were anti-nausea shots, heparin injections and a patch behind my ear for nausea. I never felt nauseous at all, so I figure the meds must have been part of the program and prevented what would have been otherwise unpleasant. The heparin, of course, is to prevent clotting, which nobody wants.
I still have a little bruising and some soreness at one of my incision sites (one of the five little spots across my belly). I think the sore spot must be the one my stomach was extracted through. LOL. At any rate, I've felt no need for any pain medication since surgery day.

Tomorrow morning we will be leaving town and heading back to Virginia. We are planning on a two-day drive to make things easy and safer for me. I am still at risk for a clot, so will observe the precaution of stopping at  intervals along the way and getting a little exercise break and not just driving straight through. If the weather holds, it should be a pleasant trip.

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