What a Ride!

Mar 25, 2011

It has been two years since I scheduled my surgery. What a trip it's been!
I haven't written in such a long time, or even been on the site in ages. Mostly because I've been busy living a much more fun and active life than I ever dreamed.

I achieved my personal goal weight of 145 lbs in late November and have been within 4 lbs plus or minus since then.

I am and will always be addicted to food. Fortunately I have found a transfer addiction that helps me deal with the food thing. I have crossed into the realm of size 8 - 10 clothing and the world is mine!!! It is such a rush to be able to buy something because I like it and to pick and choose what looks good. I haven't won the lottery yet, but I can have big fun with twenty bucks at the local thrift shops. The only things bulging out are my closets and drawers. I have recycled several wardrobes and enjoy "frequent donor" discounts. My co-workers are always waiting to see what I will wear next, and call me "skinny." (They leave off the "bitch" part. Too bad -- I've been a bitch for years, now I aspire to the "Skinny Bitch" role.) I just remember that as a teenager I had to dress like a 60-year old fat lady. Nobody made trendy or fashionable clothes for fat girls back then. Hell, I pre-date the terms "Queen-size" or "plus size"! And so now that I'm 62, I can and do dress like a teenager or ANY way that pleases me.

So lest you think that life is a bed of roses, I caution you that I have discovered that I MUST maintain an active lifestyle -- translation: EXERCISE and walking lots.  I HATE this, but it has to be done if I want to keep the weight off. I continue my membership at the local Y and get there as often as I can. Water aerobics and a spinning (cycling) class are my current constants, and working in the weight room when I can.  I have gone back to an interest of several years ago -- bellydancing-- that is quite a bit different than when there was twice as much of me to shimmy! It's quite a lot of fun. Doesn't burn a lot of calories in the class setting, but beats sitting on my butt watching TV. I am enjoying my motorcycle more than I ever did.  I was afraid that losing weight would make the (nearly 600 lb) motorcycle impossible for me to handle, but much to my surprise it's easier than before. My work at the Y has paid off in terms of strength.  I used to confuse throwing my weight around with being strong. I could open any swinging door just by leaning my weight into it.  Surprise! That doesn't work any more; I actually have to use muscle to move those big doors.

Doors.  That brings me to another subject.  Men. Well, doors and men. It was rare for a man to open a door for me as a fat woman unless it was out of a sense of duty or feeling sorry  (my perception). Nowadays they do it regularly, with a smile and a couple of times men have actually trotted past me to open the door. I dunno. Maybe some of the younger ones see me as old like their mother, but I smile and thank them, and rejoice a bit to myself. But they aren't all young! I enjoy every minute of it.
People in general treat me much differently than in my fat days.  But that's a rant I won't get into here. I must accept the fact that I myself am a much changed person since those times, which in itself will result in others treating me differently. Enough of that.

My husband remains my rock, the love of my life. This has never been in doubt. This experience has, if possible, strengthened our relationship. It would not have been possible without his support. And now he can pick me up, and I can sit on his lap without fear of breaking his legs or the chair!

Life is good.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 31, 2007
Member Since

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