Oct. 18, 2010 date of surgery [Edit Post]
posted 4 days ago
My hubby and I arrived at the hospital at 6am.  I got checked in and then taken back to preop area.  They gave me a gown to wear then they weighed me.  Hubby came back with me there.  Next step, I was brought to a holding area.  I talked with all the doctors involved in my surgery.  I didn't get to see my hubby again till after the surgery.  I don't remember anything from leaving the holding area until I got to my room.   To see my hubby then made everything else ok.  I felt I could rest then.  While I was in the hospital they kept telling me that I need to drink as much as I could.  Sips were very hard to take.  Every time I took a sip, I would belch till the water went thru, That was a very strange feeling.  I was feeling nausea because the constant encouragement to drink water.  Oh, I did get jello mostly lemon, chicken broth, and a Popsicle.  The Popsicle was the best part. 
My drainage tube accidental got pulled out the 2nd day and it was removed.  The doctor stated it was nothing to worry about.  
The last test they do is the swallow test.  That stuff really is awful tasting and hard to remove the taste.
I was very glad when I was time to go home.  I didn't sleep well, of course I was in a hospital.

Oct 17, 2010

Today I am nervous and excited about tomorrow.  I'm disappointed because my children have not contacted me today to wish me luck and prayers??? Do children get too old to worry about these things or are they too busy with their on lives?  My mom called several times this week to let me know she is praying for my success and easy recovery.  Maybe I'm too centered on myself.  I thought my family would want to see me before surgery.  I hate to say this but I always see them about financial issues.  Of course they want our help.  I guess I'm feeling sad today.  My mind is focus on the surgery tomorrow.  I was very fortunate to have my granddaughter spend the night last night.  She is a blessing from god.  I told my husband today that I was hoping the girls would volunteer to come to the hospital.  I didn't want him to be alone.  I wouldn't want him to be by himself if something went wrong with the surgery.  We are always there for each other....for 32 years.

This is just the begining of my Journey!
I realize its never too late to change things for the good.

Now, at 51 years old I realized that I could not control my weight...lol I never could
control it from going up.  This is my last ditch effort to achieve some stability with
my weight affecting my health.  I have been over weight since a teenager.  It was
stable at certain times in my life but I was always the big.  I would like to know
what it feels like to be under 200 lbs. again.  It was the year I got married which was 32 years ago.  I was lucky to marry my best friend and soul mate for life.  He is very supportive with my journey that I am about to take on.  I have 2 wonderful girls, son-law,1 granddaughter and another granddaughter on the way.  I want to be around to spend time with my family.  I pray that God agrees this is my time to regain control of my body here on earth.  I really could use support from anyone that feels they would like to share a piece of their life with me. 
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Houston area, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 30, 2010
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