45lbs GONE

Jul 11, 2009

I have lost 45lbs in a year (7/10/08-7/11/09).  Hells Yeah.
To be continued...
1 comment


Jun 21, 2009

I recently went to a community event and ran into an old co-worker who didn't recognize me.  She was like 'you look so good, not that you didn't look good b/f'.  It was awesome.  I know i've changed, but to have others notice is amazing.
To be continued...

Still Amazed

May 03, 2009

Everytime I go into the store I still worry about fitting into a size 16.  But I can always fit.  Its so unreal.  I'm so nervous when I pick up the 16.  I can't remember the last time I wore a 16.  The only 'small' size I can remember is 18-20.  The only annoying this is the low-rise jeans.  These are not flattering on me.  I found some real cute bermudas that fit my legs wonderfully but wouldn't stay on my waist b/c of the low rise.  I bought a 1x dress instead.  It's also nice to buy 1x and not 2 or 3x.  I'm having to refocus on my eating, b/c I"ve been testing the limits of my surgery a bit too much.  I've got about 30lbs to go to my big goal of 200 and I really want to achieve this.  I've always wanted to lose a 100lbs; so far I've lost 60.  I will get there.  It's only been about 4 months since my surgery and I'm doing pretty well.  I didn't put this weight on all at once and it's not going to come off all at once. 

I'm very happy w/ my progress and myself.

To be continued...

Body Recontouring

Apr 10, 2009

I'm still at 229lbs, but I'm in a size 16.  The nurse reported that my body was recontouring.  I don't care what it's called I love being in a 16.  I will get to 200lbs.  I start my boot camp back up Monday, so I'm sure I'll be in a 14 in no time. 
I was speaking to a nurse who had surgery and she reported she just wanted to be out of the teens; she was wearing a 16 and just wanted to be in a size that didn't include teen.  I thought this was also a good goal.  Being a 10 or 12 is quite an accomplishment.

I'm really enjoying all the compliments I'm getting.  It feels fantastic. 

To be continued...

Been Sick

Feb 23, 2009

I've had sinus issues for the last week and only did Crossfit last Monday.  I think I'm over it now and went running today.  It was way too cold to run.  I did two 10 minute pilates workouts also.  That shit is crucial.  I'm sure my core will be off the chain if I keep up the pilates.  I'm feeling good, but I'm not losing much weight.  I don't really feel any restriction.  I felt more restriction when I only had 2cc's in.  I have an appt. Mar. 5 so we'll see what happens.  I'm toning up and my clothes are still getting loose, so I guess it's inches melting away.  

To be continued...

Exercise 2-9 and 2-11

Feb 12, 2009

Monday Night
10 kb swings/10 box jumps 5 rounds
overhead squat practice
WOD #1 - pushups 50/40/30/20/10 and situps 25/20/15/10/5 for time
push press practice
WOD #2 - 3 rounds for time, 25 box jumps and 7 push presses

Stacey 14:38/7:19

Wednesday Night
warmup - Run 800m
WOD #1 - 100 squats for time
snatch practice
WOD #2 - For time, 30 deadlifts (95lbs), 30 wall ball, 30 box jumps, 30 push press (45lbs)
WOD #3 - 21-15-9  pushups, situps, squats

Stacey 4:25/9:53/6:57

Feeling Fantastic

Feb 12, 2009

I just felt good today.  I ate well and looked good (considering my pants were falling off me).  Today was just a good day for me.  I can't believe I'm really losing weight.  It steady.  The scale still hasn't really moved, but I can see the definition in my body and see muscles.  It's also helped that the weather is better, but I'm happy.  I've eating to live not living to eat.  Yesterday we had a training and I didn't think about lunch until I was actually hungary.  I love this.

To be continued...

Feeling Good

Feb 08, 2009

I walked w/ friends Saturday and Sunday and it was great.  It was just good to have a little girl talk and talk about goals and how far we've come.  I hope the weather holds b/c I can't wait to do more activities outside and in the sunshine.

To be continued...

Exercise 2-4-09

Feb 08, 2009

warmup - 10 box jumps/10 kb swings -- 5 rounds
WOD #1 - Squats (50, 40, 30, 20, 10) Situps (25, 20, 15, 10, 5)
WOD #2 - 21-15-9  Wall Ball and Ring Rows
burnout - 50 pushups


Exercise 2-6-09

Feb 07, 2009

Warmup - Run 400m & 50 squats
WOD #1 -- "Helen"  3 rounds for time -- Run 400m, 21 KB Swings, 12 Ring Rows
WOD #2 - wall ball, pushups, situps, squats -- 1 min at each station, 3 rounds

14:45 (previous 16:47)

Proud as hell.

To be continued...

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 09, 2008
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 58
