Like everyone here on OH I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I was a fat kid that grew up to be a fat adult. I can lose weight but it always finds me...hahaha! The past year has been crazy. September 17, 2007 I recieved the gift of life from my partner Kaitlin, she donated a kidney to me! Two months later my mother passed away. Before my transplant I weighed 227ish. Now a year later I am up to 274. I have considered WLS in the past but always talked myself out of it. The last time was in 2004, I was on my 5th month of my supervised diet and then my kidneys failed. I started dialysis Feb 2005. I did lose weight but it was due to my renal failure and the strict diet you must follow.

I met my partner Kait in Sept of 2006. I tell you if it wasn't for her support, I am a tough cookie but dialysis tested evey fiber of my being. i was evaluated fot tranplant but was told that I needed to lose 70 pounds before I would be put on the organ registry. I was devestated to say the least. I finally got evalutated and was told that i was in great shape but need to lose 40 more pounds! FUCK OFF~
At the advice of my nephrologist I went to another hospital UPMC and long story short, Kait got tested and was a match. September 17 2007 I was reborn. It still seems like a dream to me.

Since transplant I have gone back to school to be a nurse. I also have put on 50 lbs and now have diabetes. My immuno drugs + extra weight = diabetes. I am so angry that I am putting my gift at risk.

I have been considering WLS back in 2001. But felt like it was the easy way out., After research and soul searching I am going to do what I think I need to do to be as healthy as I can be! I am ready to do the work..

About Me
Dec 31, 2008
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