
Jan 06, 2009

My WLS seminar was canceled yesterday due to the weather I will go to the next one on the 20Th of Jan. Went to diabetes Dr. yesterday and she added a oral med to help with my glucose control, I was upset b/c I didn't want to take a pill for it, I hoped diet and exercise would be enough. Well it wasn't so...I will take it like a good girl. Just got home from the gym. I love to exercise once I get going. My problem is portion control big time! I did experiment with a dessert last night, I took 1/2 cup light ricotta cheese, 6 packets of splenda, and Cinnamon and mixed it up. it was yummy and only 6g carbs - 120 cal- 6g of fat. It was very creamy and packed 16g of protein.


About Me
Dec 31, 2008
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