Almost two years.

Dec 07, 2011

I am feeling... I don't know... It has been a great year and a terrible year. I haven't lost much weight this year and just starting to regain some ( about 8 lbs) but I have been sick twice with Bronchitis for 2+ months each time, lost my job, unemployment...
But, I found the love of my life last November and we are doing great. I haven't regained much weight and would have been a lot worse.

I am still down 130lbs which is great, but I want to lose about 70 more.

I will keep working on this.

3 months

Apr 25, 2010

Not much time even for this blog so I'm copying an update to a friend... (sorry)

I am so busy at work.. having some problems with food. Can't microwave, can't try much new.. stomache revolts a bit... Got substituted on bowling team for state because I was sick two weeks in a row for team bowling...due to stomache...

now working 95 - 110 hours every two weeks.. so stress is high and time is low.. I need help with exercise so I'm looking at buying my own wii and wii fit plus with tax refund.

I've been in a stall for about 3 weeks. I just started moving down again this weekend. When I was out of town.. go figure... While on the trip I had to eat at mcdonald's and golden corral. Card came in helpful as I was only charged for 9-12 year old buffet about half price from adult. Found lots of decent protien on the buffet. Small bite of bread pudding was my downfall.. But only two bites.. could have been a lot worse... hundreds of great looking food. I also indulged in small piece (1oz) of fried catfish...Also at Mc Donald's, I found the Egg mc Muffin officially meets rules but could only stomach about half. Thank God for my protein bars.. (Don't tell doc!! haha)... but they help me through in a pinch.

I don't get enough exercise, water is getting better. protein is ok, but I'm satisfied with the weight loss since surgery.. now that my stall has ended...I have lost about 62 lbs since surgery.

Although I get my protein in almost every single day... I am losing hair like mad the last two weeks. I'm guessing about 1/4 thinner since surgery...

First Big Goal!

Mar 31, 2010

I am now 321 and have been using the Wii for a week. I am beating my son on balance workouts... That is so fun!

56lbs so far... people are really starting to notice.

A little testing my limits but all in all doing great!  Microwaved meat is still an issue.


After surgery

Jan 31, 2010

I had surgery on the 26th.. most of my pain gone so on tylenol only for the last two days.. .but pain near my liver is driving me nuts.. They said no straw to eliminate drinking air.. but all I have done since surgery is get bubbles of air in my stomache... first few days I felt like hit by a mac truck.. thank God that went away.. I hate pain medicine and how it makes me feel.

I am not on protein suppliments but pureed protein right now.. I am not yet getting it all in but more each day and more water each day too. I hope to add milk on monday so that will allow me to increase my protien a  lot..

Walking is hard,.. I started at 375 on 5'8" body..and with my asthma I haven't walked much in months. But I am up to 45 minutes at a slow stroll. IT is a start..

I hope all of you are doing well...

Surprised on my home scale this morning at 361. About 5 lbs less than preop weight... I think..

Can't wait...Tuesday!

Jan 23, 2010

I can't believe surgery is tuesday (1/26) !!

I found myself indulging in a few items this past week but in moderation. I spent today cleaning house and I sorted through my pantry.. Since it is just me here now..(most of the time)... I am getting rid of the food I will not be eating for quite some time if again. I am giving it to the food pantry at church. I still have stuff in my pantry but much less. As I start back with starches/carbs I will make sure I add the right kinds back...

Well the insurance finally re-confirmed that the surgery is a covered procedure. So I can now breathe.. sort of... surgery is all set and still on Tuesday... but my job is laying off about 100 people including 2 of my co-workers so If I go back to work after 4 weeks, which is the earliest that doc plans to let me... they will be there only a day more before they are done... It will be hard to have the transition while I am out on lieave. My boss will also be leaving then.. I don't even know who I will report to...

I'm not changing my plans in fact everyone at work says go, get well, and come back ready to work. Don't worry about my job...

That helps but....
Anyway..... I am still looking forward to it.. but mostly to my life after..


Temporary PANIC!

Jan 16, 2010

I have been waiting and working toward this surgery for the last 6 months... I was approved in October and then changed doctors so I had to get approved again. That came through early December.  Surgery is scheduled 1/26/10. Yesterday  I received a call from Dr. Office that the procedure is on the list of excluded for coverage for this year. That was a huge surprise.

After an hour and calls to and from my HR. I found out that it indeed should not be excluded but will take a few days to update the system since Monday is a holiday.

During that hour, my heart was going to explode... All of my dreams of a normal life were in jepardy..
I wasn't sure If I would throw up, scream, or explode..

I won't breath easy until dr. office has it reconfirmed, but I feel better after HR said they talked to the insurance rep for our plan and will get that fixed.

Sorry, I had to vent... I will be okay when the adrenaline wears off...

1 comment


Dec 28, 2009

Well, Christmas went well with the family that came. (Missing those that didn't.)
But the pre-op diet was not kept to.
I gained 4lbs... I am back on track today and hope to have that weight off in a few days.

Not too bad for Christmas...

Less than a month until surgery.

Too much to do and still it doesn't come fast enough...

I'm trying to decide what needs to be done before surgery and what I can wait until I am home recooperating.

Hoping your Christmas was good.

1 comment

Waiting not so patiently.

Dec 18, 2009

I'm now off work for the holiday's. I am trying to be patient and keep focused on christmas shopping etc. but I keep coming back to the surgery and preparing and praying extra prayers that I have no serious complications..

One day at a time....

Well sleep apnea machine got adjusted up again. So I should be able to get some good nights of sleep.

1 comment


Dec 16, 2009

Hey , I just saw this on someone's ticker and thought it was so cool.

"It doesn't matter if I'm ready or not.  The race will start with, or without me, and I'm tired of being an observer!"

That is so where I am right now!

Approved again! Surgery date 1/26/10

Dec 13, 2009

I am so glad that I finally got approval again. I have my surgery set for 1/26/10.

Now I just need to get through the holiday!

About Me
West Bend, WI
Surgery Date
Jul 31, 2009
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