
Jan 21, 2012

Well, this is the end of week three and the start of week four.  I didn't do good and regained the 3.5 I lost and added .5 so I am back up to 242.5.  My food this week was HORRIBLE and although I am not happy, I am not going to make excuses because I control my outcome and I take responsibility for this week.  I will say though I did keep going in my workouts and so I am encouraged because the exercise part was also a BIG challenge for me before and the fact that I went this week with ease and looking forward to it, was a MAJOR accomplishment in itself.  The thing that I will applaud myself on is the fact that I am NOT GIVING UP this time!  Before, a set back meant quitting.  It meant defeat.  It meant failure. It meant I give up.  NOT THIS TIME.  The difference this time around is that I started by asking the LORD to forgive me for NOT honoring the gift HE gave me the first time around and once I did that and totally gave it over to GOD, HE told me I was going to do it this time.  But I had to surrender to HIM and have the faith that HE said I WILL have Victory.  I STAND on that and therfore, this was only a week set back and that's all.  So I have set a challenge for myself for this week to forgive myself for this past week and PUSH for positive outcomes this week in my food choices.  SO week four, here I come!

workout this past week:
Mon: 50 minutes walking track
Tues: 1 hour dance class
Wed: 50 minutes walking track
Thurs: 1 hour water aerobics


Jan 14, 2012

Well, here is my update for my week two of getting myself back on track...
My execerise portion was challenging the first two days this week.  I really didn't want to go, BUT I pushed through and went.  The rest of the week was better after that and I actually enjoyed my workouts.  My eating once again could have been better so my challenge for myself this week is to really focus on my eating and get that part of my plan on track.  My weigh in this morning proved I am going in the right direction with another 2.0 pounds lost yay me! I am determined to make this work and NOT get defeated or give up.  I see myself with this weight back off and I look fabulous  !

So until my next update through the week, VICTORY to you all in your journey today!

workout this week:
Monday: 50 minutes on the stationary bike
Tuesday: dance class
Wednesday: 1 hour on the walking track
Thursday: water aerobics class
Friday: 30 minutes on the walking track


Jan 11, 2012

This week so far has been challenging.  Monday and Tuesday I looked for excuses not to workout.  However, both days I pushed through and went.  Today was better exercise wise but HORRIBLE eating this morning.  After a MAJOR ATTITUDE this morning, I did get myself back in line with a better attitude.  Thank the LORD for power in prayer cause that one had to be prayed out!  Anyway I get to relax a bit this evening and finally read my Sunday paper.  Oh yeah...me and my scale had a MAJOR disagreement this morning and I am SURE she was lying to me.  So come Monday if she is still lying, there is going to be some SMOKE in the CITY!!!!


Jan 09, 2012

Well I weighed myself this morning and I am down 1.5lbs!  I am excited because I KNOW I am on the way to the bigger goal!  I expected my weight loss to be very small last week because I wasn't eating as good as I could have.  I was NOT disappointed though because I goal for myself for last week was met and that was to get my butt moving in exercise and I did that in a MAJOR way:

Mon: Walkout (30 minutes on the treadmill)
Tues: Line dance class (60 minutes of dancing..yeah you sweat)
Wed: Walkout (30 minutes on the treadmill)
Thurs: Water Aerobics 60 minutes
Friday: Mall walking and dancing

Today I was so tired I didn't want to exercise ( I kept thinking, just go home)  BUT I knew THAT was not  a choice.  So I went and got my WALKOUT on!!!  YEAH BOI!!!! I am SO excited about this because GOD told me HE would work this out and all I had to do is put the work in!!! Clothes in my closet, here I come!!! and you thought you weren't ever gonna see me again..silly you!

I hope you all were victorious in your past week and remember to count the small steps on the way to your accomplishment because they count also! 


First water aerobics class tonight...It was fun and boy do I feel the muscle ach out of the water...I look forward to class next week...challenges today:  getting in all my water and staying out of the cookie/candy jar...willpower where are you when I need you...I just know the eatting will get under control because I am DETERMINED to defeat this weight demon and claim VICTORY...not letting anything stand in my way.  Not even myself...


Jan 04, 2012

Day three and I am doing good.  Did my walkout on Monday and the Line dancing class last night.  It was fun dancing (you really get a workout) with 50 other people.  Tonight my schedule is walkout and biblestudy class.  I will not get home until 8:30 so I will grab some fruit to eat between activities.  It's really amazing how good you feel when you get some form of excerise.  My motivation today: the clothes in my closet waiting for me to come back to them...they have missed me...lol

My New Year

Jan 02, 2012

Wow... I have not been on this site in forever.  I posted my story from my old profile and my last entry was 12/2004!  Where has the time gone.  So much has happened in the past few years!  As I approach my 9th year anniversary  (wow), I reflect over all the time that has gone by.  Let me see if I can summarize here....Separated and divorced.  Remarried.  New Job. 3 surgeries (none WLS related), Health related issues, Menopause and a HUGE weight gain. When I started this journey, I said I wanted to get down to 135 as my goal.  I cheated from the start and my weight came off very very slowly.  I finally reached 170 and size 10 and because of my height, realized 135 was to small.  I was ok at 170 but would have perhaps gone to 160 (which is my new goal now) had I kept going in the loosing direction. I have continued to go up the scale and presently today I weigh in at 242.  I have tried unsuccessfully to get the weight off numerous times and have failed due to MY lack.  I am back at HATING my look and getting dressed.  I feel like a stuffed sausage and my clothes get tighter and tighter.  I have been BATTLING MAJOR depression lately over my weight and feel like I am in the same place I was before my WLS.  Last week it hit me and I realized my weight is not that far from where I started and I have NO ONE to blame but myself.  I REFUSE to cry because I did this!  With all this being said, I AM DETERMINED to get this weight off.  I woke this morning with a determination that since my life is being rebirthed and renewed (My Spirituality has been increased and I believe the LORD is doing a works in me) that I would start NEW and try this again. I HATE to exercise but love to walk and dance.  So to the gym I go and will do a walkout on MWFand  taking a dance class on Tuesday and water aerobic class on Thursday.  My eating is what is out of control so I have a MAJOR challenge in that area but AM determined to win this time.  Naturally, I received a NEGATIVE comment from my sister about going to the gym as a New Year's Resolution.  As I explained, it's not about a resolution, but a way of life that I need to grab hold to and do this thing.   My attitude is to use her negative as fuel to keep going to prove to MYSELF, I WILL do this thing and WILL NOT STOP this time..So...here I am again and I will journal this thing out.  Sharing my success and progress no matter what. I can only go up from here cause I am at bottom!!!!! 

About Me
Saint Paul, MN
Surgery Date
Dec 27, 2002
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Before & After
rollover to see after photo
day before surgery 1/23/03
taken 11/28/03 (Boy what a difference)

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