Feb 19, 2012

 Hey everyone,

Its been a while since I've updated my info.  I completely forgot that today was my surgiversay until I got an email from the Obesity Help website.  

3 years ago, Feb 19 I had the gastric bypass surgery.  Today I couldn't be happier.  My starting weight was 299.  Today I am 136 lbs.  I went from a size 26 down to a size 5.  I feel like I can't even remember being a big person.  It's amazing how good I feel and how many things have changed.

In November 2010 I got pregnant and had a beautiful baby girl.  Today she is 16 months old and a complete handful.  She is the greatest gift of this surgery.  I don't think I would have had a successful pregnancy without the help of the gastric bypass.  Not to mention I definately wouldn't be able to keep up with her today.  If there are any apprehensive people out there I would say that the gift of children is reason enough to have the surgery.  

I also recently just got hired as a flight attendant which was always my dream job.  Again something I wouldn't have been able to do as a large person.  I am actually one of the smallest people in my class.  Can you believe that?  I've never been the smallest person anywhere.....hahahaha.  People constantly tell me how skinny I am and that I'm so thin and beautiful.  

I want to say that I don't believe looks are everything.  it's definately the person inside that counts, but we live in a shallow, egotistical society.  We are constantly being judged.  This surgery has definately changed my life in so many ways.  I wouldn't change anything for the world.

As of today I pretty much eat anything I want, but in moderation.  I probably eat about the same amount as my 1 year old.  I still don't do well with sugars so I stay away from desserts as much as I can.  I work out a few times a week but nothing strenuous.  I know as long as I eat right I'll maintain my weight.  

I don't mean to cut this short but I must get to sleep.  Please feel free to comment or ask qustions.  I haven't been on here in forever and would love to reconnect.  

1 year surgiversary!!

Feb 19, 2010

So 1 year ago at this very moment i was being wheeled out of surgery and I remember the nurse trying to get me to walk....lol.  The year has literally blown by and I can't believe it's been 12 months since my RNY.  My pre-op weight was 299.  Today I am about 160.  Give or take a pound or 2....depending on my eating.  I am still loosing but very slowly.  I have to really watch what I eat.  I am totally happy with the 138lbs I've lost so far.  This has completely changed my life.  I love buying clothes in the regular dept.  Going out with friends with confidence...is great too.  My first few months were tough....but i would do it again in a heart beat!  Best decision I've ever made....My goal is to be 150lbs....I'd like to be 130, but lets be honest.....I'm happy where I"m at....and people can't believe I was once almost 300lbs....Hope everyone else is doing well. 

5 month post op

Jul 29, 2009

Okay I'm a little over 5 months post op and doing okay......my third plateau is finally over.  I was at 211lbs for 3 weeks, yikes!  I had to re-evaluate what I was eating and my habits to get back on track.  I uped my protein and lowered my carbs and sugars.  I finally started loosing again yesterday so I'm at 209lbs.  Otherwise I'm doing okay.  I started loosing my hair which does scare me a little.  Good thing I had a lot to start with but every time I brush my hard the hairbrush is full.  I've been using this shampoo called Nioxin but I'm not sure if it works.  Anyone have any ideas for hair loss?  I decided to go back to school so I am excited about that....I hope I won't be the oldest one in the classes....lol.  So my goal by 6 months was to be  down 100lbs.  I need to loose 11 more pounds to reach that goal.  Everyone wish me luck, I'll be trying real hard to get there.


4 month post op

Jun 26, 2009

okay so i'm about 4 months post op and doing well.  I've lost 76lbs since my RNY.  Everyone notices my weight loss except for me.  I can't tell.  I know I've lost weight because none of my clothes fit but to me I still look the same in the mirror.  It's a psychological thing I'm sure.  I am having a hard time finding clothes because I'm really not sure what size I am.  I either try on items that are too big or too small....it's so crazy because before my surgery nothing was too big.  lol.  I feel great though.  I still get the occasional tired feeling but I'm doing well.  I had my 31/2 month check up with my surgeon and he wants me to have lost 100lbs by august.  I'm hoping I can do it because my weight loss has significantly slowed down.  Right now I'm loosing about 15 lbs a month and I know it's gonna slow even more.  How's everyone else doing?

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3 month update

May 31, 2009

HI everyone....it's been a while.  I've been really busy.  Working and just went back to school...my schedule is kinda crazy.  I plateaued again by the way for like 3 wks.  It didn't help that I was admitted to the hospital for Kidney stones and gained 10lbs from the liquid.  Took me about 6 days to get that off.  Kidney stones are really horrible!  This is the second time I've had them and I think the pain is the worst thing I've ever felt.  Way more pain than the surgery!!!  Anyways I finally got the liquid weigght off and the scale is moving again...thank god.  Sometimes you just wanna loose hope.  I just have to not step on the scale cuz it drives me crazy.  So I'm a little over 3 mo out and have lost 61lbs.  This seems like a big accomplishment.  I'm not sure how I'm doing compared to others though.  My doctor said I don't have as much to loose as other people so the weight may come off slower.  Everyone tells me I'm smaller I just don't see it yet...haha.  How's everyone else doing?

9 wks post op

Apr 28, 2009

Okay so I'm a little slow to update.  As of today I am down 46 lbs since the day of surgery and 51 lbs total.  I feel a lot better than before.  For a while I was feeling really weak and unable to get energy.  This past wk has been a lot better.  Since summer is coming up I actually went and bought a new bathing suit.  Size 14....what!  I didn't think it was going to fit and it did.  How exciting.  Everything else is going okay.  I've had to take off of work a lot for doctors appointments and other things.  I don't think they are too happy about this.  I may end up having to leave.  I don't think it's fair that I'm always gone.  Oh well....I guess I'll deal with it when the time comes.  I'm wondering if anyone else has had problems working?  Well gotta go for now.....will update soon!


Apr 19, 2009

Finally my first plateau is over!!! OMG I seriously stayed at the same weight for like alomost 2 wks.  Thank god.  I was about to loose hope.


First update in a while

Apr 16, 2009

Okay so I've been avoiding writing this...but here goes.  I've officially hit my first plateau....Only lost like 2 lbs in 11/2 wks.....:(  Kinda discouraging you know.  I feel like I'm barely eating and still working, exercising and now going to physical therapy and still only 2 lbs.  I know that this happens to everyone...but i'm getting depressed about it.  On the up side I've gone from a size 26 to 20...yay.  I'm trying to look at the positive.  I've been kinda bummed about the weight loss and that's why I haven't updated in a while.....been avoiding the blog.  If anyone has any advice I'd love some.  Thanks.  Wish me luck.

40 days since surgery...went to the doctors!

Mar 31, 2009

So I went to my regular MD today because I wasn't feeling well.  As of today I am 40 days post op and have lost a total of 42lbs from my highest weight, 35 from my surgery day. 

The reason why I am writing today is to blog about my doctors appt.  I went in because I have been feeling really weak, lightheaded, shortness of breath, nauseated and tired.  The symptoms have kept me home from work and made my daily activities really difficult.  My doctor decided to wait on taking my labs for now, but did take a urine sample. 

She told me that I have a really high amount of ketones in my urine indicating that my body is basically going into starvation.  Your body produces ketones when it begines to burn fat and muscle to get energy.  A normal person has no ketones at all in their urine, so I guess this is bad.  The weird thing is that I've been trying to eat and get in all my calories everyday.  I guess it's not working.

So, I've been temporarily forbidden to work because I am unable to take breaks and eat at work since we are so busy.  No exercise as well.  I'm also supposed to stay home and eat and drink all day long to get my nutrients in.  Sounds great....right?  I'm kinda bummed because I thought I was doing really well and I guess I'm not doing as good as I thought.  Evidently these ketones can become a big problem so I better take care.  I just want to let everyone know...make sure you get your calories and protein in.  If you don't you will be sorry!

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4 wk.....28 day post op!

Mar 19, 2009

Today I am 28 days post op!!! Off of work today so decided to update.  I weighed myself and I am down 25lbs since the day of surgery.  Down 31lbs from my highest weight.  I went back to work this past Tuesday.  I was excited when I put on my scrubs and they looked huge.  Everyone at work was excited to see me and said they could definately see changes.  It has been a little difficult to keep up with my liquid intake and vitamin routine since I am really busy at work.  I'm working on it though.  I started eating meat this week because I've been craving protein.  So far I've tried low fat ground beef, pork tenderloin and shrimp.  None of them made me sick....but I had to remember to take small bites and chew really well.  It's been nice to eat some normal food, even though it's not much.  It's also been really hard for me to remember not to drink while eating.  It's a habit I guess.  I do get a stomach ache when I drink and eat at the same time.  Everything is great though.....I'll keep you posted.  Wish me luck. :)

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 27, 2009
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 12
