4 month post op

Jun 26, 2009

okay so i'm about 4 months post op and doing well.  I've lost 76lbs since my RNY.  Everyone notices my weight loss except for me.  I can't tell.  I know I've lost weight because none of my clothes fit but to me I still look the same in the mirror.  It's a psychological thing I'm sure.  I am having a hard time finding clothes because I'm really not sure what size I am.  I either try on items that are too big or too small....it's so crazy because before my surgery nothing was too big.  lol.  I feel great though.  I still get the occasional tired feeling but I'm doing well.  I had my 31/2 month check up with my surgeon and he wants me to have lost 100lbs by august.  I'm hoping I can do it because my weight loss has significantly slowed down.  Right now I'm loosing about 15 lbs a month and I know it's gonna slow even more.  How's everyone else doing?

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Feb 27, 2009
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