40 days since surgery...went to the doctors!

Mar 31, 2009

So I went to my regular MD today because I wasn't feeling well.  As of today I am 40 days post op and have lost a total of 42lbs from my highest weight, 35 from my surgery day. 

The reason why I am writing today is to blog about my doctors appt.  I went in because I have been feeling really weak, lightheaded, shortness of breath, nauseated and tired.  The symptoms have kept me home from work and made my daily activities really difficult.  My doctor decided to wait on taking my labs for now, but did take a urine sample. 

She told me that I have a really high amount of ketones in my urine indicating that my body is basically going into starvation.  Your body produces ketones when it begines to burn fat and muscle to get energy.  A normal person has no ketones at all in their urine, so I guess this is bad.  The weird thing is that I've been trying to eat and get in all my calories everyday.  I guess it's not working.

So, I've been temporarily forbidden to work because I am unable to take breaks and eat at work since we are so busy.  No exercise as well.  I'm also supposed to stay home and eat and drink all day long to get my nutrients in.  Sounds great....right?  I'm kinda bummed because I thought I was doing really well and I guess I'm not doing as good as I thought.  Evidently these ketones can become a big problem so I better take care.  I just want to let everyone know...make sure you get your calories and protein in.  If you don't you will be sorry!

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Feb 27, 2009
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