The Ongoing Journey (Never Ending)

Jan 27, 2011

While nearly everyone who has WLS achieves some measure of
success, some people do much better than others -- and not just
in the measure of their weight.
Winning at WLS is not a size, it's a whole state of being.
Winning at WLS means achieving a weight that creates the
opportunity for you to live a full, healthy, and satisfying life
-- and then getting out there and living it.
So what do WLS winners do?
Winners Manage Their Focus
WLS winners tend to have a structure to their lives so that they
almost always know what they are really supposed to be doing.
They don't leave things to chance. They stay focused on their
goal to be healthy and let that shape their lives.
They learn time management and schedule in their WLS needs. They
focus on what is important (buying vitamins if they have run out)
rather than on what the world thinks is important (baking cup
cakes for a party).
Winners Design a Plan that Fits Their Life
Winners learn how to shape a life that works for them. They
figure out where they are likely to struggle and build in
strategies to minimize their troubles in those areas.
They use timers, always keep protein supplements in their car,
keep food out of sight so they don't snack, or keep a case of
water in their trunk -- whatever will work for them.
Winners Use Resources to Help Them
Winners are information seekers. They don't assume that what
they were taught about WLS at one point in time is sufficient
information. They continue to learn, seek help, and find tools
that will keep them on track.
They understand that they may need help to go from being at
goal weight to being happy and comfortable with their new life.
Are You Reluctant to Win?
Some people are very uncomfortable with winning. So, they resist
it. They struggle with the last 20 pounds to avoid being at goal.
Of course, they don't necessarily know they're doing this.
Not doing your best is a form of self defense. If you don't try
hard, you protect your ego from the experience of trying hard
and failing -- a scary proposition.
Value the Pain of Losing
Anyone who struggles with weight will fail from time to time. But
that doesn't mean you will fail in the long run. By trying your
best, even if you experience some failure from time to time, you
will ultimately have a more meaningful life.
By getting comfortable with failing, and then trying again, you
will eventually win.
Accept that Winning Can Be Confusing and Uncomfortable
 Winning brings on a whole new set of uncomfortable feelings.
Maybe you don't want to cause others to feel like losers as
they compare themselves to you. Maybe you don't like the
attention winning brings.
Whatever the discomfort, win anyway. You will learn to tolerate
success. Just give it time.  

