Jury is STILL OUT!

Aug 05, 2009

I did go for the initial intake at the surgeon's office.  They were SUPER-COOL there (except for the receptionist...but whatever) and rather personable (HUGE BONUS!) even though I had to take my 2.5 year old (help me).  

As it stands right now, I am a candidate.  As soon as I submit my stuff to BCBS (Anthem..out of KY..SUCKY!) for documentation of prior attempts at losing, I can get started at any time.....but have to bring the program fee with me at the time.  OH JOY.

My daughter is the next one in line for a Young 5s program at a charter school in the area (waiting list).  It had a pretty good raiting on line and the fact that there is a waiting list is HUGE to me...I think that speaks volumes.  AND..they are uniformed.  BONUS.  I would have to say I am 95% sure she will get in for this year as I was told they always have drops up until the second week of school. 

Part of me is saddened to have to let go of the catholic school because the preschool portion is AMAZING...the K on up is a whole other ball of wax, though.  And...tuition is higher at the preschool level since they aren't funded by the church.  If I didn't want this procedure soooo badly, I would completely let her repeat preschool at the church (I had terrible experiences with the other side of the school).  UGH.  

Over the past week and a half, we've been passing around this nasty "flu" like thing (damn, please don't let it be swine...) that started with my daughter.  I thought I was going to get lucky, but I didn't.  in fact, I got it worse than anyone else.  that is another story, buttttt...my mother thought maybe I needed more vitamin-type of things.  Mrs. Healthy, herself, uses this can of powdered Women's Supplement stuff from GNC that is chuck full of all types of nutrients and brought me a single sample from the store and if I liked it, she would buy me a big can.  Um.  Right.  I opened it up and it smelled JUST like hot chocolate mix!  IT DID!  SO..I dumped it in a glass of milk and proceeded to stir it up.

My first clue that something wasn't going to be kosher was the fact it was rather difficult to get it to mix easily.  Hot chocolate doesn't mix that hard!!!!!  One taste, and I spit it promptly into the sink.  Oh HELL no. NO NO NO.  I sent my mother email that simply stated, "NOOOOOO to the supplement crap".  

THAT got me to wondering about this pre-liquid diet everyone talks about before surgery.  Let me just say, I am picky.  VERY PICKY.  And it isn't just about healthy foods.  I am JUST as fussy about bad foods, too, and it has only gotten worse with each pregnancy.  My latest kick:  NO PICKLES ON A BURGER!  So many things have gotten to be a 'texture" thing for me lately.  BLACH.  Needless to say, if there is nothing even remotely yummy about these liquid things, there is no way I will make it two weeks on it. NO WAY.  Any idea how long it took me to down that orange sugar drink when you do a gestational diabetes 3 hour test??? Oh....A LONG time.....the tech nearly forced it down my throat by threatening me.  Yea.

Now I am thinking I truly need to get a taste of this stuff they are going to give me before I decide to start and fork out the money (program fee includes the liquids).  Joy.  Joy. Joy. Joy.    AND..not just that...how long do I have to CHEW stuff until it's disintegrated AFTER the fact? That isn't realistic in the long-term!  Hell!  I am 37!  I could live to be 90!  That's a heck of a long time to be analyzing every little bit in your mouth!   BLACH!  Gotta think of long-term, you know.  Am I SOL on ANY types of sugar because of "dumping"? that isn't realistic in the long-term!  Look at how much of our foods have it in one way or the other.  It's just not realistic in the long term.  Eat it in moderation? YES!  But AVOID?  Nope.  Not realistic to me. Moderation of anything I can handle.  Eliminating altogether?  Not so much.


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Lansing, MI
Feb 27, 2005
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