3 years later (in a SpongeBob voice)

Jan 17, 2013

Well.  I am back here.  Not because I necessarily want to be.  I mean, I DO, but I don't.  During the last time I was here and now, I had learned the program fee at the one office was NOT refundable if I was not approved through Anthem (KY).  There was no way I could risk that so I gave that trick up. 

I then checked into Sparrow and was all set to go to one of their seminar thingies, but it was about the time severe fatigue hit me...it was about a year and a half ago.  I was always one to sleep in and not want to get up, but this was worse.  I would take my kids to school (and I still do this) and then go home and go back to bed.  At first, I was getting back up at 11ish.  The last 4 months?  Try, I have to get my husband to call me by 1:30 in order to get up in time to go pick them up from school. 




Earlier in the spring, I learned I had PCOS.  Concept:  my doctor FINALLY referred me to an endo after I asked.  I am deficient in D and Iron and am insulin resistant.  I was put on Metformin but it made me TERRIBLY ill with cramps.  My arrythmia was worse, as well (PAC/PVC).  My next visit to the endo (he is an ASS, BTW....Carrella in Lansing...avoid him) gave me the info that there were no other meds for this.  OH GREAT.  I left in tears. 

My PCP referred me to another doc who is pretty cool.  He is at the Sparrow Diabetes Center.  He put me BACK on the Met and for whatever reason, I had no problems this time around.  Yet, I still am finding my sleep to be extensive.  Plus, now....my body hurts and I get stiffened joints, legs, etc randomly (especially when I get up). 


In August, I had an colonoscopy because I was experiencing symptoms of IBS and reflux.  Upon being discharged after that, Dr. Rose (VERY nice man!) told me he didn't see anything and I should be good to go.  Three weeks later, I got the call about the "biopsy".   BIOPSY?????? I didn't know there WAS a BIOPSY???  Naturally, panic set in. 


Celiac Disease.


CELIAC DISEASE??? It stopped me in my tracks because then I didn't know if I would've rather heard CANCER. 

It took me a month before I attempted gluten free and during that time, the antibodies blood test for it came back negative.  Go figure.  Follow up to the Gastro told me that the biopsy was like a stage 2b or something like that of it.  Well, that certainly explains the Vit D and Iron deficiencies. 

My first trip to the store for gluten free shopping resulted in tears.  I specifically remember standing in the middle of an aisle not sure what to pick up or where to start and tears started flowing. 

I gave it up after a week. I was hungry and I had it.

2 weeks later, I was back on the band wagon.  This time, it was MUCH easier. Knowing ahead of time what you want to buy and knowing which companies and products are gluten free helps SO much.  And I will tell you what, GOD LOVE the companies that CLEARLY mark "Gluten Free" on their labels!!  I've taken off a few pounds, too, since avoiding carbs (except potatoes). I am not one for gluten free breads, etc .....they are just EW.

I dropped the ball around Christmas because...well, it was CHRISTMAS and I have no will power!  I quickly jumped back on until we went to South Bend and passed a Chick Fil A.  I'm a SUCKER for Chick Fil A (we don't have them in MI).  I swore that was it and I was done. 

It wasn't.  And I really need to get back on it because overall, I do feel better (no heartburn or IBS).  BUT...anyway.....that is that story.

SO...off I am in a few weeks to Sparrow.   Don't think this doesn't scare the hell out of me...because it DOES.

My follow up visit to the Endo yesterday was interesting.  Still a VERY nice doctor, don't get me wrong, but BLUNT and HONEST.  He HIGHLY suggests bariatric surgery.  I am not like a size 34 or anything.   22/24 (and I LOVE to wear my tops loose because I cannot stand the feel of fabric hugging my skin).  But, I think he believes the insulin resistance will go to Type II....he told me I am predispositioned for it and he really believes this is a good thing for me. 




About Me
Lansing, MI
Feb 27, 2005
Member Since

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