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May 07, 2009

I suck at blogs. I'll just say that first off, I can never keep up with them. A lot has happened but I don't remember any of it now. For those who were reading my previous postings, I did say how I had heart tests and kidney tests and all that being done but I forgot to mention it all came back clear! So that was a relief let me tell you.

On to more depressing things, I did lose my job. Thank GOD it was after they already approved and paid for my surgery. So I'm being an unemployed lazy bum as of the moment. There's a possibility of going back with the same company I was working for, it's all depending on if they can get a new contract or not. Oh the joys of working in the contracting world. So we were ALL layed off, not just me, not that it makes it any better but it's nice not to be the only one ya know? 

I had my first official stall, and it sucked. I don't know if you guys can relate, but this is how I lose weight. I'll lose say 5 pounds over night, that's great right? Well then the rest of the week or two is spent RE-LOSING that same amount of weight haha going up and back down until I'm back at that -5 mark. It's frustrating but whatever. Well, when I hit 255 I stalled for 2 1/2 weeks, no up and down that time. I talked to my nutritionist and she said it probably had to do with my monthly cycle and sure enough last night I started and sure enough this morning I was 3 lbs lighter. Aren't we a lucky bunch (us girls).

I'm VERY, no, EXTREMELY excited to say, I've now hit the 100 lbs lost mark!!! Obviously this is not since my RNY surgery, this is from my highest weight before, when I had the lap band put in. When I had the lap band, I was 354 lbs, in that 5 year span I got down to only 310 lbs right before the removal of the band and revised to the RNY. I am now at 252 so that's 102 lbs since my HIGHEST weight ever. I can't wait until I hit that 100 lbs lost with the RNY. I'm down 58 lbs so more than half way there. Okies well I'm off to start my day, toodles!

P.S. have I said how awesome you guys are lately? If not, you guys are awesome :)


About Me
Roy, WA
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2009
Member Since

Friends 79

Latest Blog 17
