6 months

Aug 11, 2009

I hate keeping a blog, I forget about it after a while. So much has been going on I'm not even sure what to write about. My 6 month check up was good, all my labs were good, well my vitamin D was a little low (hey I live in WASHINGTON... that's expected) but it was still within the "range" of what it's supposed to be. I've lost 80 lbs so far, it's been so slow though these last couple months I swear I was down 75 lbs at 4 months so have I only lost 5 lbs these last two months? I guess I'm just so anxious because as soon as I hit 220 me and my mom are going SKYDIVING *SO EXCITED* but there's a weight limit of 220 *ugh* but it really gives me a goal.

OH, I flew on a plane for the first time EVER in June. I wasn't worried at all, the seats were comfortable, the seat belt fit well. I went to California with one of my best friends to visit another friend whose stationed at Camp Pendleton down there. It was a lot of fun, it was nice not to feel inhibited by my weight. I didn't do as much down there as I thought I was going to be able to though. When I got back home I had quite a bit of money left so me and my guy went white water rafting! It was so much fun I went again with my mom and plan on going again next month. I want to work up to level 5 white water rapids... the kind where you go off of little waterfalls. Oh did I say I'm going para-sailing this month too? I guess I've found my adrenaline junkie side because after the para-sailing, I'm going para-gliding then should be at my weight to go SKYDIVING. So much to do, so little nice weather left.... I'd really like to go scuba diving as well.

What else have I been up to... oh, been planning my wedding. Our date is 10/10/10, kind of cute huh? I have over a year to plan but it feels like there's not enough time. I want to buy a house so bad, but I'm not sure my job is steady enough. Which reminds me, I finally got hired back (I work contracting so ... we fluctuate with the market I guess) so it's good to not be such a lazy bum anymore.

That's all the good stuff that's been going on, I've also been dealing with some very depressing health issues that scare me to tears but I guess I won't go into that until I have my answer on the 24th of this month. It almost feels as though this whole weight loss surgery wasn't worth it if this is what I have *sigh*.

Anyways, that's my lil update.

Oh, forgot to mention I now fit into a Torrid's size 14... which I think is a 16 in other brands... so I'm a 14/16 :)

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About Me
Roy, WA
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2009
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