February 9,2007

Feb 09, 2007

It's okay,I just wanted to say Hi!

My ulcer has started hurting again, so called my PCP and left a message saying my new insurance covers Protonix and I want some!  I figured that about covered it!

Oh, yeah, Val is coming home today! Sorry she had complications, but I just feel she'll be fine now.  I can just feel how happy she'll be as the weight starts coming off.

I'm really struggling with the weight loss now, I guess I hit that 6 month out honeymoon thing like a brick wall!
I'm losing anyway!

Love to all of you!


Jan 27, 2007

Hi,all!  Well, I went to my PCP on Wed. and he told me I had bronchitis, put me on antibotics and an inhaler, they're really helping a lot.

Finally broke the stall, down 2 pounds, so 8 more to go to century mark!  I guess since I hit 6 months out on 1/13 I could be losing slower now.  Also, due to this sickey thing, no exercise yet!  Hopefully sometime next week I'll be well enough to mall walk.

Saw Lady in the Water, superb! It's an M.Night Shamalan, but it's not super scary, it's suspenseful, but so cool. If you have kids, I'd suggest you watch it without them the first time, because you must watch it from the very first word until the end just to understand it. I mean none of this, go ahead and start it honey, I've got to go to the bathroom, then make a snack, no no, and if you need to take a short break during, pause it! After watching it once, you'll probably want to see it again before returning it!  I use Netflix and am very happy with it!

Well, I'll check in again soon! Love you all!


Jan 08, 2007

Well, looks like I'd better say something!  I'm doing okay, except for this darn flu/cold thing, this too shall pass!  Looks like my stall is over, hurrah! I'm still having a problem eating, probably because my ulcer came back about 2 weeks ago, so I'm back on the med I had before, but this time for twice as long, good!

Got my new face up on the messageboard!  That's quite an achievement for me!  Also, somehow managed to upload my recent pics.

You know how people say they don't see themselves as what they really look like after losing weight.  Well, I do!  I guess I spend too much time in front of my mirror, lol!  But, seriously, I do take a good look at myself when changing clothes, naked. And I remember to look at all my body, I don't want to get into that body dismorphia thing. And I weigh everyday.  Yep, I said that!  And for me, it's a good check system, and I know if I'm stalled, and when I lose well, I know what I've been eating and doing!  So some of you say "Step away from the scale", but that's only if you're really anxiety prone to reality.  Who said you would lose weight at a constant speed?  Nobody on this board!
Okay, don't know why I feel like lecturing today - maybe it's because I'm sick!  The Zicam products are great though! I can't believe homeopathic medicines work so well!  So, I don't need to worry about how they'll effect my body or interact with my psych meds.

I'm so excited about the OH conference in April at Irvine, finally I will get to actually meet some of you!  I've already paid for my ticket and hotel, and it's only about 1 to 1 1/2 hours north of me!  We Californians talk in time, not miles, due to traffic.  Well, it's time for one last check of the boards, then I'm back to bed to keep warm and watch TV for the rest of the night, I want to get well!  Love you all! 


Dec 12, 2006

I just don't know what to say!  Still waiting to hear about my C-diff test which may determine why, after 5 months, I have diarreah still!  I took a blood test yesterday to determine my electrolytes, which is probably nothing at this point!

Yes, I'm in a bad mood, wouldn't you be?  I have never regained my energy!  And my intestines hurt all the time!  And nobody seems to care!

Well, I just called my surgeon's office.  My DH called yesterday and spoke to his nurse, she was given the number to call to get the results and said she'd call us back. I just spoke with her, she said she called early this morning and she left a message.  I said, listen, I'm 5 months out tomorrow and I've had diarreah several times daily everyday since I got home from surgery, I can't even leave my house, could you call them back now and find out if the test is done and have them fax it to you now and call me back and let me know that at least you've got the results!?!  She said yes, she would call them back!  If I don't hear from her this afternoon, I'm calling my surgeon and giving him a piece of my mind, not that I can really afford to loose any more of it!

Wow-Thank you Haven!

Nov 18, 2006

11/18/2006                                                         Haven is doing my new profile and I love it!  I'll have some new pics next week of me, Stuart (DH), and Blu our new dog that we got about a month ago!
I'm still suffering with the diarrhera thing.  Going to the lab on Monday for more tests.  This has got to stop! WE got an early Christmas present yesterday.  I have Restless Legs Syndrome, I take Requipe for it, which has worked very well, until about 2 months out.  I have to take it more frequently now, and I still get restless legs every night!  I've known for a while that if I let my calves get cold, it can cause this problem to be worse.  So when my MIL asked what we wanted for Christmas we said oh, please, an electric blanket with 2 controls.  So, Stuart picked it up yesterday and at 6:30p last night my restless legs started their dance.  Stuart hooked it up.  Within 3 minutes my legs were nice and warm and the restless feeling was gone!  I can't tell you how much of a life improvement this is for me.  I should have gotten one 2 years ago when my sister, Jill, told me to, now I need to email her and tell her she was right.


Oct 20, 2006

I got home from a 7 day hospital stay yesterday, they found an ulcer in my pouch next to my stoma. Now, mind you, this was not a baritric hospital. But, the gastrointestinal Dr. knew all about the surgery. He did the endoscopy and colonoscopy. I was scanned twice, and MRI'd. I think they're going to build a statue of me with my insides showing and put it in the lobby, just to show they can handle WLS patients! I'm doing better now, glad to be home! Taking Prilosec until my Prevaced gets approved.


Oct 09, 2006

Sorry, maybe I just spend so much time on the board, I forget to do my profile. So far I'm down 48#s. My 3 month anniversary is Friday, the thirteenth. I wish to be down by another 2#s, but I'm moving slow here. Also found out that I'm lactose intolerant, at least from searching the subject and asking some questions on the board. I've got my three month check up with my Surgeon Monday, I know he'll say I should have lost more. (I think he'll always say that!) 82 more pounds to go. Guess I'll have to get on my treadmill! lol I also have an appt. with my gastroenterologist the following week to verify the Lactose intolerance thing.

I'm down from a size 4x -5x to a 2x -3x depending on manufacturer.


Sep 08, 2006

So, I have found another Urologist and I will call him Monday for the soonist appt. I can get.The one I'm seeing now is just too egotistical for my liking, the one thing he did say was that this thing is temporary, but it could take anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months to get over.

Since surgery I have lost 37#s and am trying to lose 3 more by my 2 month anniversary, next Wednesday, 9/13. Can't exercise yet due do this bladder thing! Grrrrrrrrr!


Sep 06, 2006

Sorry I haven't updated lately. I've been having a rough time due to the Foley Cath making my bladder raw. Saw a urologist a few weeks ago, he said I had a over sensitive bladder. So he put me on DetrolLA and Proced. But the pain between pills has been awful. So I tried to reach the Surgeon, he's in Europe, then I called the Urologist, he's out until next week, then I called, crying to my PCP, they were very compastionate. By evening I had enough Vicodine for a little over ten days.


Jul 29, 2006

Okay, it's July 30th, 17 days since surgery and down 17 pounds! I know I won't lose a pound a day forever, and will probably stall - soon! The last two days I've really been tired, not depressed, just feeling exhausted. I know I didn't give myself extra sleep time in the beginning, I was on a quest to feel "like normal Holly" because it made me feel strong. So now that I'm doing well with the changes, I guess my body's saying back off, take a nap! So I'm going to, right now!

About Me
Oceanside, CA
Surgery Date
Sep 07, 2005
Member Since

Friends 55

Latest Blog 45
Does it ever stop?
Second round in the works!
Well, the first one is done!
OK, I did it!
A new year!
Just thought I'd check in
November 9, 2007
Oct. 11, 2007
