
Jul 20, 2006

Had my surgery on 7/13! All went well and the hospital and nurses, etc. were wonderful! I can see why this hospital is considered a Center of Excellence! I had to stay up near the hospital for one week after my surgery, due to a 2 hour drive to home, and they insist that you be within 1 hour for the first week, very wise, I think.
We stayed at a residential inn with a full kitchen. Thank God they had great air conditioning, as there was a heat wave while we were there and we were very comfortable. Srgeon took out drain on 7/19, and we came home on 7/20. Now I am home with my recliner and very comfortable!


Jul 04, 2006

I talked to Marlena last week and got a tentative date of 7/12 for the BIG DAY of appts. Consult with surgeon, psych, anesthesiologist (sp), and I hoping a tour of the hospital!

I believe I will get my surgery date and be instructed to go on a liquid diet for 1 week. I'm going to post in a minute to see if people think I should go ahead with the liquid diet starting tomorrow. So that I can get a jump on this thing!

Well It look like my surgery date will be happening on 7/13. I'll find out for sure Monday, 7/10.

I have a new Angel, she is Apple Pie and I am thrilled. She is so sweet and I know I can count on her. Thank you God!!


Jun 23, 2006

Just to let you know. I talked to my contact at the surgeon's office and she said that they haven't received my blood tests results yet, and to call her on Monday. She say we've got to get you set up with the surgeon so we can get this moving. Now please understand, most of OH knows I can be quite the sarcastic person when I wish. But, I read this girl from the beginning, she sounded like people had been beating on her all day long, so I took the "honey" approach. I always sound happy and say HI! Marlena! This is Holly____ how are you today? She immediately perks right up and we always have productive conversation!


May 29, 2006

Called my PCP and got appt. for 6/7 for EKG (he does it in his office)


May 25, 2006

I heard from my surgeon's office, my insurance, Medicare is fine. They are sending me a bunch more papers to fill out and a request for an EKG and a lab slip for blood work.


May 22, 2006

OK. I broke my tooth and I have to go to the dentist for a 9am appt. So I guess I'll call the surgeon's office when I get back.


May 18, 2006

Called the surgeons office yesterday. They said my insurance is being verified and to call back on Tuesday 5/23. I'm getting closer!


Apr 18, 2006

Ok, so last Thursday night I faxed my application for surgery to a new Dr. Today I called and said Dr. would go over it and it takes about two weeks, so that'd mean I should hear something by 4/28.
Meanwhile, I just keep gaining weight. I quit smoking on 2/1, I guess I'll have to get on the treadmill.

Saw my orthopedic dr. yesterday, and he said to get a recumbent bike, that it would be a really good way to burn up calories without the pain in ny back crippling me. Then after I lose some significant weight I could move onto other things


Mar 14, 2006

Well, okay. I have found a hospital with a "Center of Excellence" approval and a good surgeon both of whom take Medicare, hospital accepts Medi-Cal also. It's a little farther away than I would have wanted but it's only about 15 minutes from where my best friend lives, so I think I'll ask her if my DH and I can spend time there before and after, and if she'll put up DH while I'm in the hospital. If she has the room, I'm sure she will. Also, I can go up to her place the night before follow-ups and we can chat, etc. I think this was meant to happen this way.


Mar 03, 2006

My surgeon's office contacted me to tell me my surgeon no longer accepts Medicare--GREAT! Now what do I do.

Well, I've decided to try and do weight loss without surgery. I'll revisit the idea of WLS in September if I haven't done well enough by my standards. Doing real well not smoking and so is DH, everything comes in time.

About Me
Oceanside, CA
Surgery Date
Sep 07, 2005
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Does it ever stop?
Second round in the works!
Well, the first one is done!
OK, I did it!
A new year!
Just thought I'd check in
November 9, 2007
Oct. 11, 2007
