weight loss journal

Jun 30, 2009

January 17, 2005
It's me again, It has been a long time since I last wrote in this journal. I'm writing about how I feel today.Today is the first time I'm writing since I had a weight loss. When I weighed in the day of WLS I was 270 lbs, as of today January 17Th 2005 I weighed in at 182 lbs Thank you Jesus!!!. however, I still feel the need to follow weight watchers points plan. I still struggle within myself about my Wt. and sometimes I feel like I'm not losing fast enough. I have to keep in mind that WLS was just a tool to get me started on losing weight. Now I need to learn portion control and how to eat healthy. I'm going to make sure that I go to all the support group meetings for WLS at the hospital so that I can stay encouraged and motivated and gain more knowledge about this new lifestyle change. I know that my eating habits are going to take time to get use to now that I'm able to add Carbs to my diet. I just need to know portion size and I want to get the right amount of protein, fruits, and veggies that I can tolerate. I need to focus on drinking 8 glasses of water as well. I'm going to take it one day at a time then I'll incorporate the fruits and veggies. Today I told my daughter that I was going to count points with her since she's going to weight watchers she looked at me like I was  her response was negative my feelings was hurt and I told myself that I would keep my thoughts to myself.


About Me
Jun 02, 2005
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Before & After
rollover to see after photo
before.....very uncomfortable and depressed!
10 months post op...feeling good, feeling great!

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