weight loss journal

Jun 30, 2009

August 15, 2004
Well I had WLS I'm feeling very blessed and Great!!. I went to the hospital On Monday Aug 9Th 2004 weighing 270 lbs. I had a positive outlook about WLS I was sooo excited, even the person that rolled me down to surgery said that I was the first person to be excited about going to surgery. The reason I was so excited was that it has taken me over 5yrs to get approved. Oh but God! God stepped in and made a way out of no way!. I knew that God would be there with me and for me. I could feel that God had his hands on my surgeon Dr. Joyce b/c I can truly say that I feel absolutely Good! this morning I have no reservations at all! I'm on my way to a life style change. On the day of the surgery I felt privileged to have one of my close friends Kim Stratton by my side. I thank God for putting her in my life, she came to the hospital before I went into surgery and prayed for the surgeon, his crew and for me. I decided to have WLS b/c I was tired of me!. tired of high blood pressure tired of Asthma, tired of sleeping with a mask over my face tired of taking medications just plain old tired!. I hated me! I was depressed about being a failure I was depressed about my appearance. I was hopeless and helpless, I tried ton's of diets and I was tired of losing and regaining the weight back I was tired of the diet roller coaster, I knew in my heart from the time I heard about WLS that it would work for me. I needed something that would make me have to do what I couldn't do for myself.
After my surgery my mother came and spent a few nights with me my sister in law Sherri and my daughter were great!! even my sister  Geraldine was great help. The day after my surgery my sister Geraldine was there along with my daughter Tamika. My sister gave ma a bed bath. The following day my daughter helped me with my shower b/c I was too sore to reach in difficult areas. My sister in law Sherri was there for me from the beginning to the end. she stopped whatever she was doing at home when I called. She came to the hospital and helped me shower b/c I couldn't reach my back and other areas that was difficult to reach b/c of the soreness. I thank God for my daughter and sister in law Sherri b/c without their support I don't think I would have come out as good as I have.


About Me
Jun 02, 2005
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
before.....very uncomfortable and depressed!
10 months post op...feeling good, feeling great!

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