Tuesday is 1 year surgiversary!

Mar 14, 2010

Wow!  Tuesday, March 16 will be my 1 year surgiversary...where did the time go?  Went to Kaiser lab today and had 11 vials of blood drawn; teased the lab tech it was my 'vampire' draw LOL   I am almost where I want to be.. but the losing has slowed down somewhat.  I'm not worried...it just gives my body a chance to catch up and me time to learn how to 'manage' this tool while maintaining.  I had a really really long 'dry' spell, from November to the end of February of bouncing back and forth with 3 lbs...about drove me nuts!  I just made sure I got my vitamins, water and protein in before adding anything else to my daily intake.  Eggs still are not my friends..no matter how they are cooked but they are the only food that I avoid. On occasion, I have 'pushed the envelope' testing my new pouch...sometimes I paid a price and sometimes I was surprised to find I could tolerate a 'treat'...but in minute portions.  I am a firm believer that I will never go on another 'diet'..but I have and will continue to eat within specific guidelines...protein first and portion control.

Up to this point, I don't think my journey has been all that different from others. We each lose at our own pace, fight our own demons and learn from our own mistakes..but we all want the same thing...a healthier, happier life and future.  I'm grateful for having insurance that covered my surgery.  I am even more grateful for the friends and support I have found here on OH and thru the support groups I attend.  All of you are PRICELESS!!  Thank You!!
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I'm always smiling and the Journey Continues

Sep 24, 2009

Well, I made it!  Here I am at 6 mos post op, down an overall 91lbs...and I just want to laugh out loud when I look in the mirror ;-)  In fact, I do alot of laughing lately...at just little things that pop up such as my husband walking right by me because he's looking for the 'old' me...and she's gone! LOL  The look on his face when he finally 'sees' me..it's Priceless and I treasure it dearly.

I have overcome some major challenges emotionally and did not turn to 'stuffing' my feelings with my old standbys..sweets, carbs and snacks. It wasn't fun going thru the emotions 'unmedicated' and they lasted longer but man, how wonderful I felt on the 'other side' afterwards.  I'm kind of a control-freak..and Yes! I was in control and it felt good!  I now understand what others say; this is a tool!..I must still do the work ^_^   But as I was reminded by my Kaiser case worker...I get to claim the CREDIT also!!

My hair has thinned some but no body but me seems to notice LOL  Some days I have good hair days and others, not so good.  But if I'm honest, my hair and I have always had a cantankerous relationship...it never does what I tell it to do..sorta like my kids LOL  I bought a couple of 'newsboy' caps for those days when the hair is really unruly..or I'm riding the scooter and don't want to have to mess with it at all.

I could ramble on how great I feel, how life has changed, how happy I am...but it would go on for hours.  In a nut shell....I would make this same decision all over again! It is the first truly 'ME' decision I have ever made in my life..just for me..not to please someone else...to make 'others' like me or accept me...not because I think someone else wanted me to change.  I didn't want to be fat anymore...and I decided to do whatever it would take to become the ME that was struggling to get out.  Now I just need to keep working on finding out WHO that ME is! LOL  I think that is what makes the journey so much like a roller coaster...discovering who I am..with all the quirks and nuances that make Me...ME ^_^

Stay tuned, OH friends...we can discover Me together!  Without your support, friendship and encouragment, this would be a whole lot harder and not nearly as much fun!

4mo Post Op...it just keeps getting better every day ^_^

Jul 16, 2009

July 16th...4mos to the day since surgery.  9mos since I began this journey by attending orientation at Kaiser Richmond.  48lbs gone since surgery for a total of 76.9lbs.  Those are the 'facts'...but this journey has become more about how I feel, what I think, what I do.  I realize now how naive I was at the beginning...I really didn't have a clue what my decision to have WLS really meant.  All I knew was I was tired of being fat, I couldn't do anything about it on 'my own' and that I could get Kaiser to help me 'fix' me.

I have a friend going thru surgery as I write this...same doctor, same hospital.  Ha! We even share the same name...how 'out there' is that? LOL There is so much I want to share with her; but then, her 'ride' could be so different than mine!  I have learned so much (especially from the Cali forum) but still I remain so much the 'newbie'. Each day has it's own new discovery and it's not always connected to food: my back no longer aches, I've discovered my tailbone again, the 100+degree heat is actually tolerable, I enjoy going places.  Learning the 'ways of the pouch': when am I really hungry, when am I full, wondering what a new introduced food will taste like..the same as before or has it 'evolved'.  And of course, at 4mos out...will I loose my hair??!!!

I do admit there are things I miss from the old life: having more variety in a meal rather than just protein (just not enough room to get a chicken tender, 1/4 potato and 1/2cup veggie in), being able to 'just go' rather than have to figure out if a restaurant will have something I can eat, my junk food desserts, and the over all "I can get what ever I want" and not worry about the consequences. 

So far my pouch has tolerated anything I've tried..which can be a 'curse' in its own way. I have tried a couple of 'forbidden' foods/snacks...just to see 'what if' and came out unscathed. But, oh, what the head wants to do with that bit of information!  Just as before surgery, I am fighting daily the battle with food and emotional eating. All of the major battles I have won; it is the small, unexpected 'burbs' that throw me the curve. Not enough time to prepare a proper meal, too tired to prepare a proper meal, I allowed something or someone to knock me 'off balance', and the worst, being too hard on myself.

While this ride and this journey have highs and lows, I can confidently repeat I would definitely make the same decision all over again.  And even tho I had no idea what I was getting myself into exactly, I certainly am enjoying the adventure so far!  And I can only wait in anticipation for what the next leg of the journey brings me.

3mos Post Op and Lovin' Life

Jun 25, 2009

3 months have passed since my WLS....it seems so long ago..must be the 'age' thing ;-)  3 months is really nothing in the scope of time...but my life style has changed so much.  My energy level is HIGH, my confidence and self esteem have never been so positive and my attitude definitely more upbeat.  I continue to discover new things about this way of living...from what my taste buds will tolerate to how the pouch 'communicates' its likes and dislikes.  I'm no longer embarrassed to wear a short skirt (something other than below the calves LOL) or put on shorts, or walk down the street or have my picture taken.  I have discovered the joy of shopping and my closet has gone from browns, blacks and grays to the full spectrum of the Rainbow ^_^   I so enjoyed my time in Hawaii this time compared to 4 years ago....from fitting into the airplane seat with room to spare to being outside all day and not dieing from the heat and humidity.  The biggest 'change' has been myself...emerging from behind the walls I put up to keep people at a distance and re-discovering the person I was..back before the weight started adding up and I became ashamed of my appearance.  I look forward to meeting new people, creating new friendships, and giving back by sharing my journey with others. In the beginning I thought that was self-centered; since surgery I have learned that everyone has a unique experience with this journey and each journey has something to teach/help someone new and just starting out. And while I have always been confident of my relationship with my husband, we both laugh at what his daughter calls 'the new woman he is running around with'...he has never seen me under 200 lbs and I have never been happier ^_^  I have been so blessed with an 'uneventful' surgery and a remarkable post surgery life...so far no complications or restrictions....as long as I remember that the POUCH is in control! LOL  Yes,  I would definitely make the same surgery decision again...I LOVE MY RNY!
Nancy 6/25/09 70.1lbs lost



May 11, 2009

Today marks 8weeks exactly from surgery day. So hard to believe that that much time has flown by since my 'renewal' day ^_^  My journey so far has been both 'unremarkable' and 'remarkable'...depending on what issues or non-issues I'm discussing.  I'm still in Stage 3...modified soft foods...and except for 1 dumb, stupid mistake on MY part, eating, drinking and taking vitamins has been 'unremarkable'...meaning I have had no food issues or post surgery issues.  My 1 'stuck' (or 'icky', as a friend likes to call it) episode was ALL my own fault...too big a bite, not chewing long enough and probably pushing the envelope as to type of food I chose to eat.  The pain was bad enough but putting my husband thru it, out in public no less...well, let's just say...it will be a loonnng time before I not pay attention to when I'm eating.

The 'remarkable' side of this journey just keeps getting better each day.  I can eat anything (on Stage 3 that is) and I haven't experienced any 'taste' changes yet. I'm down 30.6lbs since surgery for a total of 59.5lbs over all.  Those numbers just blow me away!  I'm below 200lbs since 2000 (and then it was only 1lb below---for a week or so! LOL) and wearing size 16 pants and 'L' tops...which I haven't done since 1975!  I've rediscovered bones I forgot I had...and lost some of my padding giggle giggle  Went for a 6 hour scooter ride yesterday...oh, my aching rear!! LOL  I could reach the ground with more of my feet (the ball, instead of just tippy toe) since my thighs have slimmed down...didn't expect that!!  I'm now walking 2.5miles a day during lunch..and another 3/4 mi with the dogs after work...the fact that I'm walking out in public is just amazing all by itself!

All I can say at this point....am I happy?? You bet!  I am enjoying the life I have and looking forward to an even better one as I continue on my way to my goal weight...and discovering what the new ME likes! ^_^
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' 4 week' post op surgery appt

Apr 09, 2009

Today is 'doctor' day...2 appts...first to see Primary doc and then in the afternoon a trip to Richmond to see Dr Park for 4 week post op visit.  Monday is actually the true 4th week, but she does surgery on Mondays so not available for office visit.  Unfortunately, she got tied up with an unexpected surgery today so I met with Dr Im. I had met him during the Orientation meeting back in October 08 so felt perfectly fine seeing him today.  As I expected, he was just as supportative and took all the time I needed to answer my questions...never felt like it was an inconvenience for him to pick up the appt on his schedule.

Feeling a little 'down' as I had hoped to have more weight off my first month but it is what it is.  On the positive side I no longer suffer incontenence, snoring or heart burn...all gone because of the surgery.  These 3 things alone make the surgery all worth while LOL  It is still somewhat of a struggle to get the water increased to 64oz but Dr Im advised that getting the water increased would definitely help with the constipation I'm going thru.  When I asked about calories and grams of protein, I was again reminded that Kaiser Richmond does things so different from other facilities; not to worry about calories or amount of protein.  As long as I concentrate on making protein the main item of food, get all my vitamins in and drink the water, the weight will come off and I'll be healthy.  Must be doing something right...I've increased my walking from 1.2 miles a day to almost 3!  Just walking around the block use to be a major achievement LOL

Well, tomorrow is a new day....the routine begins anew....I have returned to work and it actuals adds more structure to my new routine.  Or maybe I'm just getting use to the changes I have to make for this new way of life ^_^  I wouldn't have it any other way!


Mar 24, 2009

8 days post op...where does the time go?? Hmmm...think I already started one of these with that thought LOL  I have moved on to Stage 2 foods, experimenting with SF chocolate pudding, cream of wheat, SF Jello, low sodium cream of mushroom soup and SF homemade applesauce.  Everything has gone down well, no reactions except for the pouch being sensitive to touch...like when the liquid 'drops' into it.  Very strange feeling but I can definitely tell when 'food' reaches the pouch.  Today is much better and I have been able to up my liquid intake from 1oz to 2oz per 15/min. Makes it some what easier to get water/liquid in..now up to 20-25oz.  I was told to expect my taste to change but the only change so far is I can't take our local tap water anymore...and pre-op I LOVED our water..it is well water, not filtered thru the river water treatment center.  So loving hubby bought me a 12pk of bottled water to see if that makes a difference...so far it has ^_^  My biggest accomplishment today: I MOWED THE LAWN!!  It's an electric mower, took my dear sweet time walking the yard  but I still worked up a moderate sweat...what great exercise!!  But don't tell my boss...he's already called twice since last week to 'see how I'm doing'..gotta keep lieing and tell him I'm in alot of pain..of course he tells me my voice gives me away LOL

2 days post-op

Mar 18, 2009

Time has flown by so quickly.  Just a few weeks ago I was bemoaning that I had 7 weeks to wait until surgery...and here I am, 2 days post op.  Truly amazing!  The day after surgery was a bit rocky..lots of dizziness and nausea...but both seemed to go away as soon as I got out of bed (still in the hospital) and started walking.  If anyone tells you that hospitals are not places to get any sleep...believe them!  There was sooo much noise...and the nurses don't seem to care people are trying to sleep here!!  But! don't think for a moment I a complaining of the Kaiser staff...what a wonderul careing group of people..from the pre-op nurse who said she was setting me for a 'massage' to the floor nurses who cared how much distress I was in with the nausea.  And my Doc was the best!  So down to earth and easy to talk to...makes ya feel good when your doctor acknowledges the work you accomplished to get to surgery...that we're in this together to make it successful.  Awesome!

Today is 100% better...sore but no pain..haven't even taken liquid pain killer since 6am this morning.  Again  Amazing!  It's also 'interesting' to discover just exactly what 'full pouch' means...not like the old days at all...just lot of pressure and hint of pain if I don't stop feeding! :-) And I love this Strawberry sf jello...haven't had jello since I was a kid...what I nice discovery.

Well, time for walkng to the corner...and then back to the water...sip sip sip sip.....
Nancy aka Sunray
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Saw the Surgeon today-Monday is around the corner

Mar 12, 2009

March 12 2009

Hi there! Well, I'm 4 days away from surgery Yeaahhhhh!  I met with my surgeon today..and also with her PA who took my history, went over my prior surgeries and medications, listened to my lungs, checked my vitals...all good to go!  BP was 112/64...told her the machine was broken! my BP hasn't been that low since my teen years!  The greatest yea haw came when I stepped on the scales...down 27 1/2 lbs!!!    Besides the on-line support group I found, Lon and I went down to Lodi and attended an in-person group...real friendly people and I look forward to going back.  Have been invited to 2 other groups, 1 in Concord and 1 in Brentwood, near Antioch. Both of these groups include people from tise on-line group.   The biggest issue I have run into, and I talked to the doctor about it today...is so far, I haven't found anyone doing protocol the same way as I have been instructed.  Everyone, even gals going thru Kaiser, but a different facility (Fremont), have protocols that include protein drinks, either count calories or grams, and they have been put on liquid diets days before surgery.  My Kaiser doesn't  include any of these; but it does require taking something called 'carafate' 3 times a day for the first 2 weeks after surgery.  This is to facilitate healing of the pouch but it sure makes it more difficult to get in vitamins, meals, and water because of timing of carafate.  I'm using a day-planner to schedule everything  within the required time requiriements....mixing and matching vitamins, (iron can't be taken with calcium, 3 calcium tablets a day, atleast 2 hours apart..etc etc etc)...I love the fact there is so much structure to Kaiser's program...I don't have to quess...and today I talked to the surgeon about how to divide food, protein, veggies, carbs, fats, after I start getting to eat semi and hard foods again.  If I'm only eating a max of 3/4 cup...and I'm not counting grams, how to do it...she said day 4 after surgery, nutritionist will call and explain all that.  That was a big relief LOL But she still said it was protein, protein protein and don't worry about the carbs...they would be the last to add back.  Protein and vitamins take priority over anything else..oh AND the water ^_^  I also started using www.fitday.com...what a super tracking software!   We've decided to take the small motorhome up to Richmond for Lon to spend the nite in; unless I have a private room (which, with Kaiser is like slim to none!), he can't stay in the room and it makes no sense for him to drive home and then come back the next day. It's a 2hour drive and gas is still over $2/gal.  Security told him he can pull into the Valet parking after 5pm and park overnite...until then he can park on the street or in one of the hospital parking lots for a couple of hours.  He's still deciding what he wants to do...he also thinks he would be ok in the car in the parking garage..but it gets cold at nite still...I think he'd be mighty uncomfortable...but, not my problem..err decision LOL      I'll have enough of my own issues to deal with I'm sure by Monday evening :-P   OH, I'm also taking 3 weeks off from work!  After listening to others on line and at the support group, decided that going back to work in the middle of the week was just down right silly...they can do without me for another 2 days.  All I have to do, and I'll do it from home, is payroll..and I do that on line with bank anyway..from their website..direct deposit for everyone. Super easy to do .   Going to go to our favorite Mexican restaurant tomorrow nite...who knows when I'll go back again.  I bought myself a new rocker/recliner...the one I have has driven me nuts for a while now and since I plan to use it quite a bit after surgery...perfect excuse to get rid of the monster. LOL  Bought one that is 'Nancy-size'; I can actually sit all the way back and my feet still touch the floor!   that's it from here.  1 more day of work and then I'm free!!  Ha...with millions losing their jobs, I consider myself lucky to not have to worry about it.  Just heard about the teachers in California pulling together and lighting up the Capitol building here in Sacramento with pink lights...to bring attention to "Pink Friday"   the day school districts will be passing out pink slips to staff regarding their jobs beginning July 1.  Our kids shouldn't be paying the price for the fiscal shortages; and our Teachers should be a priority!  (Ok, done politizing my post)   Computer starting to act up...gonna close before I lose everything! boo hoo.  See ya on the flip side..of surgery! Hugs Nancy

7 days waiting

Mar 09, 2009

Today is March 9th..7days to the day before surgery.  Find it hard to think of anything but the Big Day...work today was really a chore...concentration level was a real struggle.  I have finally pin-pointed the cause of my anxiety...and it's not the surgery or the resulting change to my life...it's being away from work for 3 weeks.  I have never taken that much time off at one time...nobody at work who is willing to cross-train to fill in either. I am trying so hard not to turn to food as an anxiety-reliever...identifing triggers that prompted me to eat is going to be a life-long discovery.  Oh, well, it is what it is...I have heard that so often here in OH...guess I'd better start believing it LOL  This before surgery journey has been at times confusing, other times exhilerating, other times frustrating.  It certainly has been a learning experience! With more lessons to come I'm sure ^_&   Meeting the surgeon again this Thursday and having my physical the same day...then try to stay sane til Monday.  Oh, I have to call Kaiser Friday afternoon to find out surgery time...hope I don't forget LOL ...like that's gonna happen...just the opposite...talk about a clock watcher  Til next time Nancy aka Sunray

About Me
Sacramento, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 11, 2009
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