3mos Post Op and Lovin' Life

Jun 25, 2009

3 months have passed since my WLS....it seems so long ago..must be the 'age' thing ;-)  3 months is really nothing in the scope of time...but my life style has changed so much.  My energy level is HIGH, my confidence and self esteem have never been so positive and my attitude definitely more upbeat.  I continue to discover new things about this way of living...from what my taste buds will tolerate to how the pouch 'communicates' its likes and dislikes.  I'm no longer embarrassed to wear a short skirt (something other than below the calves LOL) or put on shorts, or walk down the street or have my picture taken.  I have discovered the joy of shopping and my closet has gone from browns, blacks and grays to the full spectrum of the Rainbow ^_^   I so enjoyed my time in Hawaii this time compared to 4 years ago....from fitting into the airplane seat with room to spare to being outside all day and not dieing from the heat and humidity.  The biggest 'change' has been myself...emerging from behind the walls I put up to keep people at a distance and re-discovering the person I was..back before the weight started adding up and I became ashamed of my appearance.  I look forward to meeting new people, creating new friendships, and giving back by sharing my journey with others. In the beginning I thought that was self-centered; since surgery I have learned that everyone has a unique experience with this journey and each journey has something to teach/help someone new and just starting out. And while I have always been confident of my relationship with my husband, we both laugh at what his daughter calls 'the new woman he is running around with'...he has never seen me under 200 lbs and I have never been happier ^_^  I have been so blessed with an 'uneventful' surgery and a remarkable post surgery life...so far no complications or restrictions....as long as I remember that the POUCH is in control! LOL  Yes,  I would definitely make the same surgery decision again...I LOVE MY RNY!
Nancy 6/25/09 70.1lbs lost


About Me
Sacramento, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 11, 2009
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