Hi all

on 5/27/03 12:11 pm - fort mill, SC
My surgery wsa 10/30/02. I have good days and bad days. I need to be more consistent with my exercise program. How is everyone els doing? One quedtion though, is it good or bad to ea****ermelon? Beth
on 5/27/03 2:40 pm - Montgomery, AL
Hi, Beth! I need to be more consistent with exercise, too. I lose much better when I'm exercising, and feel better, too. I think eating watermelon is fine. Sure does taste good!!!
Stacy N.
on 6/10/03 5:47 pm - Jonesboro, Ar
I know what you mean about needing to get on a exercise routine.But its amazing at things I can do now that I couldn't do before.It has been since Oct 2002 for me too.I have lost 101 lbs and need to lose about 50 more.I have so much more energy and feel alot better physically,mentally,and spiritually.On the subject of watermelon.I eat it,just becareful not to swallow the seeds.Watermelon mostly consist of water anyway.I also eat,bananna's,cantalope,green grapes,and granny smith green apples. Well,I hope all continues to go well.Lots of luck to you. God Bless ! Stacy Oct.7,2002/down 102lbs lost
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