3 Weeks Post-Op

Dec 27, 2007

OK so I went back to work this week. 12 hr shifts are KICKING MY BUTT!!!!!! Thank God I'm off the next 10 days. So 21 days since surgery and I'm down 22 lbs! WOOHOO!!!!! I've hit a stall this week(not too worried) but I've been so tired since I've worked I really haven't exercised until today. EXERCISE!!!!!!!!!! I am making a VERY conscious effort not to step on the scale every day. I'm only weighing 3x/week now. Eventually I want to only weigh 1x/week.  Had my first BAD experience last night. Had a salmon steak which I had mushed down very well. Well, I was starving...was eating too fast;wasn't blended down enough...a piece got STUCK!!!!! I felt like CRAP! Finally I barfed it all up and felt MUCH BETTER!!! OK no more varying from Dr. Teng's program for me. Yes, I will stay with purees for next 9 weeks!! Ron was so sweet and wanted to know how he could help during the episode and I told him that I would deal with it. Even Michael asked today..."did you just eat too fast?" So the men in my life are definitely aware and involved in this with me. Had a great Christmas. Ron made baked manicotti...I took ricotta cheese out of 2 and was only able to eat half.  I got a beautiful Marino Orlandi purse; iPOD Nano and a Tony Romo plaque. Got LOTS of Bath and Body stuff from girls at work. Having some people over for NY Eve but I'll find some good purees and NO LIQUOR!!! TTFN

Let the Improvising Begin!

Dec 20, 2007

OK... so I'm not taking in enough protein(so hard in liquid stages) but I'm improvising to change that. I instead of mixing my AM baby cereal with water I had been mixing it with 2 oz of EAS French Vanilla protein liquid. Well today I took it a step further and added a scoop of chocolate protein powder(a little thick but it added 25 gms. of protein....so I'm VERY proud of myself. 2morrow is my first day of 10 weeks of pureed food. I AM SOOO EXCITED!!!!! That sounds so bizarre...being excited about pureed food. I go back to work on Sunday. Actually looking forward to it. Miss all of my friends. So far I have exercised EVERY DAY this week. Another reason to be proud of myself.   TTFN

Weekly Update

Dec 16, 2007

OK, I don't know why but I have chosen Sundays to actually post my progress. 9 days post-op...so far down 11.5 lbs. YAY!!!!! Just because I'm only posting weekly weights,doesn't mean I only weigh weekly. Matter of fact I am OBSESSED with the scale. Trying to break the habit of stepping on it daily but guess I'll have to wean myself. "STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALE,BARB" I feel great and no problems following the rules...SO FAR. Started on full liqs 2 days ago. Was eating cream of broccoli soup-I could hear my stomach gurgling with each spoonful. Thought I was crazy at first but everytime I took a spoon- happy gurgle. Every time! It was HYSTERICAL!!! Got the OK to start exercising again. My favorite work out playlist is my man-Jon Bon Jovi- put in 18.5 minutes before I realized it! WOOHOO!! Thank you JBJ!!! I actually have a jersey that says "Jon Bon Jovi...God BLESS your mother!" Am making a list of foods to buy for next Friday-let the 10 weeks of purees begin.
Did some work on this page yesterday.Proud of myself-not very computer savvy. I ADORE my new background(so me) and the cute little blog dividers.


Dec 12, 2007

Dr. Teng dc'd my drain this AM.  It REALLY didn't hurt as much as he had led me to believe. Get to move onto FULL liqs. on Friday (Yay-only 2 days away). Am shocked that I am NOT feeling any hunger. Hey, but I'm realistic, this is just the beginning. I know there'll be days that I'll "be jonesing" for any kind of food.
I took another look at my ticker and did some adjusting(who knows how many more times it'll be edited ). Decided that I wasn't happy with my initial goal weight and dropped it another 20 lbs. Hey, at this point I'd be doing the happy dance when either goal weight is close to being attained.
Don't know what came over me today but I was driving home and all of a sudden thought to myself
"I NEVER WANT TO BE OBESE OR OVERWEIGHT AGAIN...EVER" So that's the reason for dropping down my ultimate goal weight.

I'm HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 09, 2007

Got home yesterday but all I did was SLEEP!!!!!! Feeling great today. Felt horrible until midafternoon Friday(RNY done on Thurs) but PCP and I decided that my CPAP(yes,I brought to hosp. and used it) was pushing air into my stomach and made me bloated as hell and I felt like CRAP! So haven't used it last 2 nights and my tummy feels better. I was so impressed-got dozen roses from Dr. Teng with note that read "congratulations on your new life" I LOOOVE my surgeon. Ron has been wonderful and making it easy to remember why I married him 22 1/2 years ago!
And FYI I did put on make-up and my own pjs Friday afternoon and it made me feel sooo good!

RNY 2MORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 05, 2007

Yay!!!!!!!!!  Tomorrow is the BIG day. I am soooo excited!!!! I am the first case at 7:30 AM. Haven't started my Golytely prep yet(who named that stuff???).Picking it up at 1pm but in the long run...it will all have been WORTH IT!!!!
See you all on the LOSERS BENCH. Can't wait!


Nov 30, 2007

6 more days to my RNY. So excited I can hardly stand it!!! But this week is gonna be BUSY;BUSY;BUSY. Working four 12 hour shifts and my final office appointment and hospital preregistration on Tuesday. Working Weds. til 7pm so trying to get everything together for early Thursday morning. I've checked my list about 100 times but I'm afraid I'll forget something!DH says it looks like I'm packed for a month instead of 2 days!LOL!! Pulled the backup CPAP machine out and have it all ready to take. Ron thinks I'm crazy because I must bring make-up with me. Hey I'm an RN-I know A LOT OF PEOPLE!! He said I won't be in any condition to look good. I then reminded him of a pic of me holding Michael and I looked gorgeous with full make-up. 6 hours after my C-Section!!!! There's always time for make-up. I'll have to report back whether I used it or not. Have used the stationary bike 2x every day this week! Hoping to add an eliptical in next month or 2. Hopefully 1 more entry on Weds. night. Remember me in prayers on Thurs. Send me GOOD KARMA!!!!

Early Thanksgiving 11/21/07

Nov 21, 2007

We're doing Thanksgiving today since Michael's in from Cali. Yesterday was Nick's 21st B-day. Today I was supposed to have my last pre-op visit with Dr. Teng but...received phone call from his office;he'll be out for next 10 days due to death of his mother. Now my last visit will be on 12/4; 2 days before surgery!!! Ron is deep frying 2 turkeys as we speak-my plan for today:small piece of turkey(white meat girl);sweet potato and spoonful of stuffing. DONE!!!

11/17/07 3X HUGE !!!!!! NO,DUH!!!!!

Nov 17, 2007

 OK , I don't know what made me come to this realization all of a sudden 2night. I was hanging up my scrubs;had a 3X shirt in my hand and said to myself, "this freakin thing is HUGE!!!!" Like I said... no duh! I've been wearing 2X-3X for past 5 years;why would I all of a sudden comprehend just how huge they really are????
On a positive note-had been drinking  strawberry protein drinks(my boys had left 1/2 huge jar in my pantry). Every time I would down it I would think "just hand me a piece of chalk;it would be less painful and wouldn't taste as chalky" Was at Walmart bought Six Star Chocolate Protein Powder and...
IT'S REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!! I only paid $17 and I'm sure my kids paid more than $30 @ GNC for their jar of chalk. Thanks Nick and Mike(aka Favorite Child and Neighbor Kid) ...Mom still loves you guys!!

19 days to RNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 17, 2007

I am so excited!! 19 more days. Had a terrible headache yesterday...probably because I've been without Diet Pepsi for 2 weeks now (and I am a DP fiend). Glad I decided that I'd have enough to deal with after surgery and needed to "kick the habit now"
