4 weeks down and looking toward the future

Jan 28, 2009

I have gotten to the 4 week mark post surgery and I feel great! I am learning so much about my new pouch. I have named her Victoria and together we will have a victory over this battle with obesity! Vicky is very communicative about what she likes and dislikes and how she intends to be treated. This is a good thing for me and keeps me in line for sure. Thus far creamy soft foods are a favorite and we add some crunch with bibb lettuce or a whole grain chip that we treat as a cracker now and again. Most foods have been acceptable as long as I eat them slowly and take small bites. I have lost 21 lbs as of Jan. 27th. I am trying not to become scale bound and weigh too often. Thus Sunday we will take the 1st monthly measurements and photos. That ought to be interesting! I have joined the Duke Center for Living and will begin aquatics classes Feb 10th. I am traveling until then. Until next time......................


About Me
Chapel Hill, NC
Surgery Date
Oct 11, 2008
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