10 weeks out and still learning

Mar 17, 2009

I just celebrated my 10-week anniversary yesterday. I have lost 38 lbs thus far and feel good about my progress and my life overall.  My pouch, Vickie, is still a lilttle fussy at times. There are foods she will just not tolerate! It is becoming clear to me that smells are also a part of the process of determining what will be consumed and what will be denied. I do not yet know what smells work and what do not work, but I find out quickly when the food is presented. I have struggled trying to eat fish & seafood. Thus far this has not been going well for me. I did successfully eat crabcakes that were 98% crab last night and what a triumph that was!

I have added protein bullets to my daily regimen, especially if Vickie turns away a meal. The protein bullets give me the ability to get that protein in at the same time as the water so it is a win-win for me! My food consumption is still about 2-3 ounces per sitting and this servinig size is beginning to look pretty normal to me now. My husband has even begun to learn more about portion size and eats less overall although he is one of the fortunate who can eat anything and any time of day and stay slim.

So all in all, things are going well. My body is shrinking and I am a lucky person in that when I gained weight I gained it everywhere and that is exactly how I am losing it. My shape is very similiar, I am just a smaller version of that shape for the most part.

Until next time.................Dona


About Me
Chapel Hill, NC
Surgery Date
Oct 11, 2008
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