6 weeks post surgery

Feb 12, 2009

I am now 6 weeks post surgery and for the most part things have gone well. My new pouch, Victoria, is quite expressive and makes it very clear when she is displeased with a food choice or how I prepare or consume any specific food. Still loves soft and creamy. I am ready for more solid foods, but Victoria is steadfast on the loose foods. She likes Chili which is a treat. Hates chicken, ground beef other than in chiliand pork. She has also not a big fan of fish and I have eaten tuna beyond the point of it being appetizing any longer.

I have lost 27 lbs so I am pleased with my progress. I have begun to take Aquatics classes a few times per week and that  seems to be working out just super. I have returned to the golf course and I am teaching and playing a little. Not pushing things by any means, but re-entering my world is essential this time of year.

It is my intention to stay the course and keep introducing foods to Victoria even if she sends them right back out. If I do not test the waters, I will never know if the tide has settled.

After all, it has only been 6 weeks!


About Me
Chapel Hill, NC
Surgery Date
Oct 11, 2008
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