2 weeks out

Apr 23, 2009

ok so i am feeling a hell of a lot better. I dont fell as thirsty as i was in the begining so i have to make sure i focus on water everyday. Thank goodness for soft foods! My first poached egg was delicious! mmmmm... a slice of cheese, to die for. It has made me get closer to my protein goals than i have been. My tastebuds definatly shut down to the taste of protein powder after surgery. it is quite weird to make myself 2 tablespoons of mashed yams. I only know how to cook BIG. But then i took out the ice cube trays so i wouldnt waste. It is kinda weird. I have felt hungry... like i could eat a horse... but couldnt even finish my meal AND I WAS SATISFIED. i havent had any trouble with foods yet so i guess that is lucky.  i am still really sore by my big insicion where the camera went in. the doc said that would be for a while, but im a wimp. I keep getting charlie horses and your stomach is a weird place for them. I guess this is just the healing process but sometimes it will feel like fire or a hot poker. Its not a continuing pain. just if i move the wrong way etc. Im still not than comfotable lying flat yet so i am still sleeping in the living room. i tend to get tired easy but who wouldnt consuming so few calories

22lbs down


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Nov 14, 2008
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