One Year Surgiversary Today!

Oct 20, 2009

Wow..I sit here writing this and can not believe it has already been one year today that I had my Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery. I have come so far in the past year..far more then I would have ever imagined. Aside from the total weight loss of 119 pounds to date, my health is better then ever! I only have one more medication I am trying to get off of for my hypertension (blood pressure). I do far more physically then I have in years. I get out more publically instead of staying home because I know that I can now fit in the seats, or walk to where we need to get to. It is kinda weird people calling me skinny lol. I like the sound of it, I am not complaining but still kinda weird lol. I am still seeing myself as a lttle larger then I am. When I grab something to try on, I am usually off a size or two too large. That is an extremly great feeling to have to go smaller! My new passion is clothes shopping now, a far cry from the days I used to dread to go clothes shopping because I would grab something to try on, be too small and stand in the dressing room looking at myself in the mirror and crying at the image in the mirror. Who was that person in the mirror, that peson that was so hurt deepy and asking herself how did I ever get to that point. Just dredging up those old feelings/thoughts is bringing tears to eyes as I type this. I am very proud of myself of how I finally decided to get my life and health back no what what it took to get it. I could not go on living that sad and painful life. I have a wonderful family that reminds almost daily how proud they are of me and how good I am looking. I had right shoudler surgery on 10/8/09, just less then 2 weeks ago. I feel I would have not come out of it as well if I was still at an extreme obese size. I have limited use of my right arm, but without all the extra weight to push and get around, I have been coping fantastically. I am not going to sugar coat and say it has been a walk in the park the past year but the triumphs far out weigh the struggles! I would do the weightloss surgery all over again, no queastions asked! I want to thank the great support group that I meet with at least once a month. These ladies are an inspiration and helps make the journey more enjoyable! One last thanks to Dr. Trotter for his wonderful medical talent and caring about the health and well being of his patients, I wish him the best on his new practice in South Dakota.

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Surgery Date
Apr 08, 2008
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