Less then 100 to go!

Jan 13, 2009

I can not belive that I have made it. I now have less then 100 pounds to my personal goal! I want to do a dance :) lol

Off Diabetes Meds

Jan 03, 2009

I recently had some blood work done to check on my glucose levels etc. My doctors office called me on 1-2-09 with the results. The news was out of this world! They told me I can stop taking my diabetes medication! Thank you, thank you, thank you! My vsg surgery was the best desicison I could make for me and my family. I am so thankful I am getting another chance at life! Here I come 2009..see you lighter !!!

Feeling Good

Dec 29, 2008

Today I am 10 weeks post-op and feeling so good. I have lost 44 lbs. since surgery and a total of 57 lbs. since my high in 8/2008. I have more engery, fit into clothes  have not been able to for so long. Te best part is I am almost off of my hypertension and diabetes meds. I had blood work today to see what my A1c is so maybe I can stop the meds for diabetes altogether. I have so much extra energy I have been spring cleaning in the middle of winter lol! I need to start working out soon (I keep telling myself). Does all the house cleaning count lol? I am looking forward to the new year and the new me!


8 weeks post-op

Dec 14, 2008

Today is the beginning of my 8th week post op. I have lost 52 pounds since my high on 8/17/08 and 39 since vsg surgery on 10/20/08. I feel so amazing!. My body (knees) thanks me with every step. My husband has made comments like, it is getting hard er to keep up with me or keep track of me because I am moving about quite quick theese days! My 11 year old son has been commenting how "skinny" I am getting lol. Skinny who me lol...well skinner then I was 2 months ago! I look forward to the months to come and just concentrate on getting my protein in and getting excerise in a few times a week.

A couple of wow moments

Dec 08, 2008

Over this past weekend, I had two moments that I really realized wow I am losing weight! My husband, son and I went out to eat since before my surgery (7 weeks ago and 36 pds lighter!, 49 total!) at Applebees restaurant. After sitting in the booth for a while, I realized how much space was between my tummy and the table and that my husband had space too! I always have fit in the booths but there was not much room to spare if any. That was my first wow moment.

The other came when I went shopping for new clothes. This has been a very unhappy thing to do in the past. I always dreaded it, wondering what size I would be. I had to finally go this weekend because everything is getting quite loose. I grabbed 2 different sizes of pants and shirts because I really did not know what size I was. I tried on the pants first, a smaller size then I thought I was, and they fit, very well. I could not believe it. Then I started to try on tops. again, I was in a smaller size then I thought. I looked in the mirror and started to tear up because it had always been such a nightmare to find clothes that fit but also looked nice for being plus size. This was one of the most emotional times I can remember, that I actually liked what I saw in the mirrow. Yes, I have quite a ways to go, but wow, I am on the way and loving it!!!!


Nov 28, 2008

Well, i made it through my first Thanksgiving after surgery. Wow talk about what a change! I really got the clearer picture of what the surgery is all about. I really did not realize that before surgery how much you consume when you able to to just keep eating and eating. I am so thankful I am not able to do that any longer. I feel good being in control and having the advantage that I have a limit too. I have lost as of today 30 pounds..unreal! I am still learning but feel I am on the path to success! My knees are thankful too..I was almost in a wheelchair at least felt like I should have been. I am thankful for my family, friends and online support for being there for me and believing in me!

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 08, 2008
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 26
